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"Monsters are real and ghosts too- they live inside of us, and sometimes they win"


"How much longer until she comes around?" Steve breaks the silence within the group as they gather in the kitchen.

"I'd say within the next hour or so" Clint replies as he was the one to deliver the punch, not literally.

"She is not going to co operate with us, you do know that right?" Wanda points out, the others are well aware of that fact too.

"This was the only way we would get her, this is a best case scenario" Stark replies but is he just trying to reassure himself, he chugs some painkillers before washing it down with water.

"I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr. Stark" Vision gives his valued opinion as he towers over the rest of the Avengers.

"Thank you Vision at least someone is on my side" Stark shows his gratefulness as he extends his arm in Vision's direction.

"There's no sides Tony, this was the only way" Steve knocks the sides idea on its ass but all nod in agreement.

"What you going to say to her when she wakes up?" Bucky timidly asks, he feels protective over the one person who doesn't need or want the protection.

"Working on it" Stark responds with a tilt of his head. The goatee wearing play boy walks away from the group and towards the large window that gives a fantastic view of the green space where the confrontation went down.

"I built this place to protect us, she got to within three hundred metres of our front door" Stark scolds himself, his  annoyance at his level of security attracts the attention of all in the room: Steve, Natasha, Clint, Vision, Wanda, Sam and Bucky.

"I apologise for not noticing her sooner, she was very discrete" Vision admits, his humbleness shining through.

"Me too, I couldn't sense her for some reason" Wanda adds immediately after, backing up Vision.

"We need to install lasers or sensors of some sort to alert us when someone passes the six hundred metre mark and we could also install..." Stark rants until he is interrupted by his AI system, FRIDAY.

"I'm sorry to interrupt sir, but she is awake" FRIDAY announces and a few if the team exchange glances, Steve and Bucky in particular. Stark releases an audible sigh before walking towards the group.

"I'll give her a crack first and if I get annoyed, Rodgers you can try, you're a patient fellow" Stark instructs them on the plan.

Stark, Steve and Bucky leave the room and aim in the direction to the room where Autumn is being held, being restrained.


Autumns eyes flicker as she begins to come back around. The bright fluorescent lights cause her head to instantly ache, why are they so goddamn bright she mentally questions. She could feel the spot on her neck where the device had connected with her skin.

"God that hurt" she mutters aloud as her hand traces the location where Clint had hit her. After grasping her bearings she examines the room and quickly pieces together that its an interrogation room. She has been in her fair share of these, and has an impressive record of escaping them too.

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