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"To some people, I will always be the bad guy"

Autumn skids to a halt in her tracks, sucking in the oxygen to refill her lungs. 

"You're the one who found me?" She questions the purple being, Vision lowers himself to the ground peacefully.

"Yes, I nearly missed you however, you're quite nimble" he compliments her in an English accent.

"Let me go" Autumn threatens in a low, cool tone.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, you're trespassing" he informs her, a stickler for the rules she sees.

"I don't see any signs saying keep out" Autumn backchats wittingly, earning a sincere smile from him.

"You may be right Ms. Courtney, but I believe SHIELD wishes to speak with you" Vision informs her in a calm voice. Her breathing quickens slightly as her chances of getting away narrow with each passing second.

"If you know my past, Vision, then you know why I can't go back" she appeals to Vision, and her knowledge of his abilities in hope of convincing him to let her slide.

"This SHIELD is not the SHIELD that caused you such pain, we can help you Ms. Courtney" her charms don't work on this guy.

"I don't need your help" Autumn almost spits back.

"Oh but you do" another voice startles her from behind. Autumn quickly spins around grabbing her 9mm in the process. By time she completed the one hundred and eighty degree turn, she has her gun pointed directly at Tony Stark's iron man helmet. Realising the situation she is currently in she backs away from Iron Man and into the middle ground between him and Vision. Now she could watch both.

"I will make this very clear, I do not need anyone's help and I will definitely not help or accept help from SHIELD" Autumn takes a moment to gather herself before she warns them in a calm and collective manner.

"You know, you've created quite a reputation for yourself. Eighty confirmed kills in fives years and there's probably loads that we haven't accredited you to, that's hard to beat" Iron Man recites her history, removing his mask as he speaks. Autumn instantly finds disgust in his features.

"And your point is?" Autumn taunts, eyeballing Iron Man while keeping Vision in view.

"I'm saying you're resourceful, unique and quite obviously talented" he adds but it doesn't ring right with Autumn, why is Iron Man applauding her kill count?

"Get to the point Stark, you're boring me" Autumn sternly spits, mocking Stark.

"OK, you have been killing basically who ever you've wanted over the past year, I'm afraid we can't have that" Iron Man bluntly cuts the crap which Autumn appreciates.

"I'll remind you that most of them, I'm sure, were HYDRA" Autumn defends herself, not lowering her gun once at Stark.
Suddenly another man lands in front of Autumn, making her the piggy in the middle against Iron Man, Vision and Falcon.

"Some yes, but not all, you've killed some innocent people as well A" Sam adds as he shortens her name, she doesn't notice as the escalating situation has all has attention.

"I get given a job and I finish the job, that's the way the game works Stark. How many innocent people did your weapons kill during the years" she prods and gets the reaction she craves. Autumn notices Stark's discomfort at the mention of his previous manufacturing of war weapons.

"What's wrong Stark, suit a little bit tight?" She teases, tilting her head to add to the charade.

"Alright, no more games, you're coming with us" Stark announcers as his patience wears thin.

"Oh no Stark, I'm merely a pawn in this game. I'm sure you have bigger fish to fry" Autumn adds to his comment. She could see the anger growing on his face. Because she is in the middle she has to keep moving to keep an eye on the three who surround her.

"Ms. Courtney, I really do think you should come with us before this escalates" Vision warns but Autumn takes in heed to it. She keeps moving as she bounces the gun off the three. There is no way she is going anywhere without a fight. She does well under pressure, and this is well, a very pressurising situation.

"You're outnumbered, you can't fight us" Falcon injects his unwelcome comment.

"I can try" She whispers, aiming to take a shot at Falcon when she hears Iron Man say something that prevents her from pulling the trigger.

"Barton now" he shouts as his mask falls back down onto his face. Her head snaps to face Stark and he stares back.

"What?" She mutters confused, a cross expression flattered upon her youthful visage.

"I did say enough games" Stark replies. But he is stalling her enough for Clint Barton to fire a small device that lands on Autumns neck, instantly sending a shock strong enough to knock her out. She collapses to the floor, her weapon leaving her hand and settles on the grass beside her body.

"Thanks Barton, head back to base" Stark applauds over the ear piece.

"She is something else" Falcon comments approaching the unconscious body of the woman, whether it's about her looks or her stubbornness.

"Yes, she is quite unique in her ways" Vision adds as he too gathers to examine the killers form.

"She's a pain up the ass and she's giving me a headache" Stark complains as all three hover over Autumn.

"She knew how to poke your buttons Tony" Falcon raises an eyebrow at him, referring to Stark Industries.

"Hence why I said she's a pain, Vision can you deal with her please" Stark shoves his helmet back on as he gives his orders to Vision. Iron man and Falcon fly back to the base which is in sight, many onlookers watching the events unfold.
Vision bends down and picks Autumn up in his arms bridal style and for a moment gazes upon her.

"You have seen too much pain for someone so young" he whispers sincerely to the limp body in his arms, no one able to hear him. Without thinking about it he flies off towards the base carrying Autumn.

The one place she vowed never to return to, she was about to enter.


"Together we stand, divided we fall"

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