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"Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future"

"So what are your plans now?" Autumn questions Bucky as he fiddles with his gun on his lap, he does this a lot she gathers.

"Continuing hunting down HYDRA agents until I find out who's on top and take him out" he replies without much thinking, clearly he has had that plan in place for a while. Autumn fiddles with her hair that has come loose from its tight state, strands drop alongside her face.

"What about you?" Bucky counter questions Autumn much to her surprise, but when she thinks about it she actually doesn't know.

"Well as of now I'm currently unemployed so I have to go find something I'm good at" she honestly replies as she looks around the empty house in search for her weapons.

"Where are my guns and knives?" She quizzes Bucky as she turns up with nothing. He nods towards the cardboard box that sits in the far corner, hidden from view. Autumn briskly walks over and opens it up, smiling when she locates her guns. She's not naked anymore.

"You're not gonna shoot me are you?" Bucky's voice calls out from behind her, but she senses the playful tone in his voice.

"Not if you don't" she answers truthfully as she checks her handgun for ammo. Behind her Bucky is letting his eyes gaze over her. He is fascinated by the mysterious figure. She is resilient, independent and clearly talented. The female winter soldier really, minus the brainwashing element he concludes.

"I hope you're not checking me out Bucky?" Autumn snaps Bucky out of his trace, his cheeks blushing a light shade of pink at getting caught ogling at her.

"So any HYDRA goons to kill today?" Autumn notices his discomfort so changes the subject,  she spins around stuffing her 9mm down her waist line as she walks back to him.

"I have been tracking a HYDRA convoy that has been making daily trips to a warehouse a few miles south of here. I've gathered intel suggesting they are stashing weapons there" he casually describes what Autumn wants to hear. She nods as she sits down on a chair, her boots in hand.

"Weapons cache, lets go then?" Autumn surprises Bucky with her choice of response, she pulls and tightens her boots readying them for action.

"I don't work well with others" he quickly adds as he sees all the negatives of such a plan, he shakes his head as he speaks.

"Neither do I but I can I work a gun so I can help, you lead the way" Autumn persists and is quick to reassure him that she won't linger past this one time job. He contemplates this idea. He always works alone, he is so used to that but then again she is qualified and she can handle herself, an extra pair of hands wouldn't do any harm.

"Okay, just this once and I'm only letting you come because you can handle yourself " he announces as he rises from his seat. Autumn nods in agreement before they separate temporarily to gather themselves. The events of the past hours have been, different, and she needs an escape, no better way than putting HYDRA agents six feet under. Bucky hands her an earpiece so they can communicate.

"We better get going, they're due in thirty minutes" Bucky informs Autumn as they head out the door of the barren house, leaving nothing but their footprints, and a lingering thought from Autumn about this suspicious character.


"Some people create their own storms, then cry when it rains"

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