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"It's gonna hurt all over"



Autumn has been living out of hotels and motels for the last year or so, the last four days have been no different. Since being attacked she had been on high alert. However, no attempt had been made yet. It has been four days since she took out four people within five hours of each other. One senator and three H.Y.D.R.A goons.

She has received her payment for the senator assassination, $13,500 to be precise. The money didn't mean much though. It paid for food, hotels, weapons and any other necessary items.

She is in Washington DC now, she decided it would be better to move state for her own safety. You're harder to track if you keep moving. She needs a job, something to keep her on guard and keep her busy. Being slightly risky, she sends a text on the cell phone to the unknown individual on the other end

"Any jobs in D.C?"

Minutes later she receives a swift reply.

"One. Jasper Sitwell a S.H.I.E.L.D agent suspected to be H.Y.D.R.A  has some secrets that could be detrimental to some if he were to be exposed as H.Y.D.R.A. He has dinner plans tonight at 8pm at Niro's Italian. Take him out in public. As usual, if you fail no payment"

Autumn head perks up and her her heart beats a little faster. She likes a challenge. Autumn has already begun to think about what weapon she should use when the cell unexpectedly buzzes indicating she has a text.

"There is a building opposite the restaurant which has an abandoned third floor. It provides good cover and a good escape. A silenced weapon should be chosen for the best chance of success"

Autumn has to read the text again and then another two times after. Never has she received instructions on where she should shoot from and how she should plan the assassination. This is very odd behaviour from the sender. Not only that but to be told to use a silenced weapon, she doesn't need to be told that. She is nearly over qualified. Despite the unusual behaviour from the sender, she pushes the thought aside reluctantly.

Her attention then turns to her target. Jasper Sitwell. A mole in S.H.I.E.L.D. Autumn smiles at that. She is not a fan of either S.H.I.E.L.D or H.Y.D.R.A. so a mole on either side causes some entertainment for her. If he has some secrets that would mean he is a high level agent within the organisation, even better she imagines. She might actually enjoy this mission as she ponders on the possible satisfaction it may bring. Autumn knows she will need a new weapon, the sniper wouldn't cut it on a more up close and personal assignment. She has hours yet so she starts on her way to get a new gun in the nations capital.



Autumn mentally and relecutantly found herself agreeing with the sender, this is the perfect spot for this hit. Autumn is seated in a chair on the third floor of the building opposite the restaurant. This floor is under renovation so is closed off, not to Autumn though. A 'do not enter sign' doesn't have any effect on her. She has stationed a chair beside the window and is sitting there eating a bag of crisps whilst she waits.

Out the window, she analyses the scenes below. The restaurant is busy. She has assessed that people could spot her if they tried but they would be consumed by all the blood to see her after the hit. At her feet lay her weapon of choice. A M16 with a built in grenade launcher and extended magazine. This weapon is a thing of beauty if you take away the fact it's a weapon and like all weapons, it's purpose is to take lives. It is a matte black shade to camouflage in with the surroundings. Alongside these configurations, there is a scope for precision and a suppressor for stealth. Autumn has a thing for matte black, so sleek.

Autumn herself is dressed in black, as per usual. The same outfit as last time, the same as every assassination she has ever done. This time though her long brunette hair is combed back and pulled into a tight high ponytail, sleek like her weapon.

She still has some time before Sitwell is due to turn up so she studies the people. A black car pulls up outside and a well dressed couple climb out. The woman who is dressed in a red dress which trails behind her, waits for the man so they can enter arm in arm. He is dressed to impress also in an expensive looking suit. They giggle as they make their way inside. Red isn't Autumns colour, it reminds her of blood and she's seen enough of that. As that car pulls away another pulls in, snapping Autumn out of her trance. She smiles when she spots the bald head of Jasper Sitwell exit the car. She throws the crisps away in a hurry and picks up the assault rifle, he's early she scolds. Knowing she will only have a few seconds to take him out she steadies the weapon. Sitwell is standing there in the open waiting for the other men to exit the car. She lines her eye up with the scope and takes a deep breath whilst she steadies herself in a standing position.

"I had strings but now I'm free. There are no strings on me"

As she exhales, her finger increases the pressure upon the trigger. Her eyes study Sitwell and without another moments wait, a high speed bullet is released from the chamber. She is close enough to see what happens without the use of the scope so she removes the weapon and lowers it down to her side. Sitwell's bald head is no more. The once cheerful atmosphere is now full with the screams of dread and horror from passer-bys seeing a hole in Jaspar's head. The other men who are with him quickly retreat to the safety of the bullet proof car as it speeds off down the road. Not very loyal company you have there Sitwell Autumn analyses.

"I've no strings so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone" Autumn concludes, taking a deep sigh.

Feeling nothing but the need to leave the area, she backs away from the window and clicks the gun into safety mode. Suddenly, Autumns body freezes to the spot with her body facing out the window. The atmosphere changes without warning, the screams are still there as well as the sirens but something doesn't feel right. This point is emphasized when Autumn hears the crunching of a crisp behind her, the crisps that she threw out of the way before the hit.

Without a second thought she whips the gun around clicking the safety off as she spins. As she turns it all feels like slow motion. Her hair whipping around hitting the wall behind her and she brings the gun stock to her shoulder all in a split second. Then it goes back to real time as a real punch to the stomach with phenomenal force sends Autumn flying back against the wall. Her gun is knocked from her hand and away from her. Not having time to crawl to it, she rapidly reaches backwards for the silenced handgun stuffed down her jeans waistline. Autumn's eyes snap up to the attacker as she pulls out the secondary weapon. Her attacker has a similar rifle pointed directly at her. She points back too but doesn't fire. She rises slowly from the ground and shuffles to the right, her attacker does the same, the street lights shining off his goggles. Why is he wearing goggles? And a mask?


"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy"

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