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"Forget what hurt you in the past, but never forget what it taught you"

Sarah and Autumn seem to stare at each other for what feels like hours. This puzzles Autumn because she knows her mother has been watching her for the past year or perhaps even longer. She has vague images of her mother from her childhood, not much but she has an image and that image is not what she now sees in front of her. This woman has deathly looking eyes, bringing to life the 'If looks could kill' vibe. Sarah too is dressed for the occasion, wearing a dark red dress that stops just below her knees, her protruding collarbones very obvious. She always was skinny, it runs in the family Autumn recalls.

"Please, sit" Sarah offers as she tilts her head, her hand gesturing to the chair beside her. Autumn nods in agreement and approaches her mother whilst the bodyguards trail her frame. She pulls out a seat for herself. Sarah clicks her fingers and the bartender approaches her swiftly.

"I'll have another martini and the young lady here will have a..." Sarah orders him before passing the reins to her daughter.

"Water please" Autumn finishes her mothers' sentence with a sweet but deadly smile. The bartender nods and leaves as he busies himself with the order.

"Water? That's interesting" Sarah judges as she mutters under her breath, Autumn turning her head to stare at Sarah.

"I'm working, can't drink on the job now can I?" Autumn wittingly responds as she takes her turn to tilt her head under the lights above.

"Hmm, yes I've noticed you've been busy" Sarah adds, fiddling with the coaster on the bar top. Her comment angers Autumn but she channels it into using it to her own advantage.

"But not quite as busy as you mother" Autumn returns turning and smiling at Sarah. This causes Sarah to release a crackle of a laugh. She raises her eyebrow as if to say 'you're right'. Autumn is slightly concerned at how calm her mother is, this had been a surprise after all. The bartender returns and distracts Autumn from her thought. He places the drinks on the bar top before leaving again.

"So what brings you to New York?" Autumn changes the conversation as he need for information pulls at her.

"Let's call it business" Sarah replies, choosing her words carefully. A smile creeps onto Autumn's face as her previous discovery with Stark plays back in her mind. Now she has the advantage.

"Oh yes, I had heard about your little arrangement with Mr Khan. I actually spoke with him earlier today and he told me he had to cancel your dinner plans due to unexpected events. A pity really" Autumn delivers the blow, allowing Sarah to digests the words as she takes a sip of her water. Autumn is watching her mothers reactions very closely and is pleased when she nearly chocks on her martini.

"How do you know about that?" Sarah's tone changes and her evil side comes to light as she threatens her own daughter. Her breathing has quickened slightly showing that she is intimidated by Autumn and very surprised at her knowledge. Dear old Mr Khan, a black market dealer, was apprehended earlier in the day thanks to Stark's swift research.

"Oh come on mother, every girl needs to have a few secrets. You have had a fair few over the years" Autumn takes charge of the conversation, making reference to her father.

"Your father. He was HYDRA too you know, a very intelligent man and it was pity that he had to die" Sarah remembers as she shows no emotion towards her dead husband and the father of her only child. The words pain Autumn, the lack of anything warm hurts her heart. She aches for the embrace of her father, to feel his warmth one last time.

"You mean when you had him murdered and your own death faked? Yeah, a real pity" Autumn responds back sarcastically. Autumn quickly glances around to keep tabs on the guards around them, and notes one has gone missing.

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