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"Even the smallest people can change the course of the future"


(possibly upsetting for some readers)

"Darling, are you still awake?" I hear my fathers voice call out. I pop my head from my pink fluffy pillow and throw off my covers as I run straight into his welcoming arms, pure excitement coursing through my veins.

"Daddy! I didn't know you were coming home today!?" I nearly yell at him, a huge smile on my face.

"Well I have to come home and sing a song with my favourite girl" he announces cupping my face in his hands, they are warm and safe. I jump up and down in excitement, my father was a wonderful man. He knew exactly how to make my day, everyday.

"What song daddy?" I puzzle him as I jump back into bed with the warmth of my blankets comforting me. He sits down beside me, his hand in mine.

"Why don't we ask Mr.Buttons here?" He giggles pointing to my favourite teddy bear, the fluffy white bear had signs of being my favorite. My father picks him up and holds him close to his ear, nodding in agreement with the stuffed bear.

"Mr. Buttons thinks we should sing....I've got no strings by...." He lets me finish.

"Pinocchio!" I laugh as a giggle is released from the entertainment provided by my father and Mr. Buttons. His smile truly warms my heart.

"Ready, steady and...I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me fret to make me frown, I had strings but now I'm free , there are no strings on me" we sing together in our own little harmony. It is our favourite song, it brings such joy to us both.

"Darling, you are the best singer in the whole world!" My father exclaims after we have finished, my small innocent eyes looking up in such love and admiration for him.

"Thanks daddy, so are you!" I reply as I cuddle Mr. Buttons close to my chest. Our perfect moment is then tainted by a strange noise outside my room, a bizarre enough noise that it causes my father to look towards my bedroom door in confusion.

"Mummy probably knocked the bin over my love. I will be back in a minute, you keep singing sweetheart!" He informs me joyfully as he leans in and plants a soft kiss on my forehead before going off to check on my mother. For me it feels like hours before he returns but in fact it is minutes, but I knew something was wrong.

My father rushes back it, even at my tender age I sense the urgency in his body. He looks worried.

"What's wrong Daddy?" I question his bizarre behaviour, his hands covered in some kind of red stuff that i couldn't pinpoint.

"Darling,  I need you to hide under the bed, right now hunny. Good girl here bring Mr. Buttons" he urges me unexpectedly and I don't disobey.

"Daddy where's mummy?" I ask timidly as I don't join the dots from the noise to the red liquid on his hand, tears threaten at the backs of my eyes as the strange events frighten me.

"Mummy had an accident sweetheart, and um, some people are in the hall. They are going to help mummy but it's very important that you stay here and that you don't come out until I say so, okay?" He tries his hardest to explain the complex situation, his hands shaking almost violently as he speaks. Nonetheless, him being the light of my life, I nod even though I don't know what's going on. I trust him.

"Give me a kiss sweetheart" he almost demands and I plant a big one on his cheek. He stares at me through his thick rimmed glasses as if he is trying  to remember my face, memorizing my features.

Strings - A Winter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now