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"Even a small star shines in the darkness"

It was decided by Stark that two or more jets would be too obvious so they settled on just the one. Yes. All the team in one jet, Stark, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Vision and Autumn.

Autumn is thankful that the jets are spacious so she finds a quiet corner and sits motionless for the duration of the ride. She can't help but notice everyone's little routines, their  pre-mission habits. Steve and Bucky are piloting the jet, while Stark is poking at some electrical box. Sam actually sleeps throughout, Natasha would talk to Clint if he isn't listening to his music. Wanda enjoys messing with her powers and teasing Sam while he sleeps like a baby. Vision is a bit like Autumn, enjoys people watching. However, his people watching mostly consists of watching Autumn. So when he rises from his seat and walks over to her, she isn't really too surprised. He takes from his seat opposite Autumn, their frames not too far from each other.

"They're a strange bunch" Autumn starts as she glances from the team to Vision, his eyes trailing hers.

"Yes, their habits are peculiar but they are kind people" Vision answers positively in favour of the team. Autumn smiles slightly before lowering her head.

"Perhaps you should engage with them more often" he advises, his words widening her smile. Vision, the group therapist she concludes mentally.

"We all know that's not a good idea" Autumn truthfully replies as she prefers the idea of solitude and isolation to mingling and socialising.

"Miss Courtney, you see yourself in a particular way. I think you distance yourself from people but you don't want to see them hurt. This strange group of people here, they don't see you like that. They see a young woman who is dragging herself down and is inflicting hate upon herself" Vision rhymes off his piece causing Autumn to look back up to his unusual coloured eyes.

"I have been independent my whole life. I've never had anyone care and frankly neither did I. What this team has is good and pure. I don't want to ruin that for them and I think me being here is complicating things" Autumn replies whilst keeping her voice low, she earns a sympathetic look from Vision.

"They might not physically say it, but you're a part of this strange team and we will protect you" Vision reassures as Autumn feels the warm feeling that accompanies a kind thought. She analyses  his face, his eyes. Eyes say so much and his are pure. She hates to admit it to herself but she is beginning to grow warm to this oddball group of people. A week ago she would have and could have put a bullet in their heads but now, she doesn't think she could bring herself to do it. They have saved her life, they came to her aid when they had no reason too. Now they are helping each other on a huge mission that could change or end everything. She might not be a part of SHIELD but she is a part of this team, even if only a small part.

"OK, five minutes out from the landing location" Steve calls back from the cockpit. Everyone starts to move and get themselves ready. The base is underground, beneath the desert and out of the soaring heat. They are landing only five hundred metres out from the base but thanks to Starks cloaking invisibility device, the jet and the team wouldn't be seen.

Steve eases the jet carefully and skilfully onto the soft sand and the rear door opens shortly later. The team piles out, all ready and equipped for action. It is still weird for Autumn to see the jet go invisible when everyone is out.

"Vision how many?" Stark questions Vision whom concentrates for a moment to gather to number of agents in the base. With the group walking swiftly in the bases directions, all listen to  the information.

"I count seventy six people" he accurately replies, nearly all raise an eyebrow at the large number.

"That's more than expected" Wanda's thick Eastern European accent states what's on everyone's mind.

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