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"I would rather be a little no body than an evil somebody"

Autumn is and always will be the type of person who enjoys challenging situations or making situations challenging for other people. Fury, he is a challenge. His peace offering is good but Autumn doesn't like it. Fury is a man who always has a trick up his sleeve. She can practically sense that something is going on. Agreeing to the deal would obviously give her an advantage in getting the person who's after her because the Avengers would be there, but it could also give her some insight into what little game Fury is playing.

SHIELD were awfully kind enough to give Autumn a room to stay in for the time being. It is better than the run down, one night cheap motels she is accustomed to. There is a large queen sized bed, a spacious wardrobe and an en suite bathroom and shower. However the feature she enjoys most is the large window that takes up an entire wall. From here she can see the lush forest that she longs for and farther on, the skyline of the city itself. The buildings, the alleys, the many ways she can evade being discovered. She misses that, the trill of a hunt one might say. The knocking on her door causes her attention to sway.

"Who is it?" Autumn asks, feeling selective about who to let in.

"Bucky" the voice replies.

"OK come in" she answers, satisfied it isn't Captain Sparkles or Mr Tinfoil. The door opens and Bucky enters, his frame taking up much of the entry point. He is wearing his usual grey sweatpants and a white tee, cozy and causal.

"What can I do for you" Autumn asks turning to face him with crossed arms.

"Oh, nothing I just wanted to check up on you, to see how you're doing because its no secret that you don't want to be here" Bucky replies with a small grin before walking over to join her at the window. Autumn decides to indulge his comments.

"You see that forest over there, that's where I was going when Vision caught me the first time. You have no idea how much I want that freedom now. Here, I'm like a puppet in here. Don't do this and don't do that. Nick Fury even came over to talk to me, well offer me a deal" Autumn starts as she points out the window during her rant to one of the two people she respects.

"He offered you a deal? That's not like him" Bucky adds as he scrunches his face together in confusion.

"I know that's why I think he's up to something. Before I left, he kept his right hand in his pocket but I could see his fingers moving around. He had something small like a flash drive or something, probably gave it to Stark considering they're attached at the hip "Autumn humorously adds as it causes Bucky to smirk, he knew exactly what she means and it causes him great entertainment.

"Are you going to take the deal?" Bucky curiously asks as he takes another step closer to her. He notes how she tenses up when Fury is mentioned. Autumn blinks multiple times as she goes over the endless amount of scenarios that could happen if she does, and if she doesn't.

"I don't have much of a choice, Fury might have well have said I'll arrest you if you decline" Autumn answers and turns to face Bucky, her youthful face looking up to his despite his real age.

"You always have a choice Autumn" he replies with a reassuring smile. Bucky and Autumns relationship is one of understanding. Both have gone through things neither should have been subjected too. Perhaps that's why she feels almost comfortable around him.

"I need to find out what Fury and Stark are up to, I can't agree to a deal if I don't know the full story. This may involve lying or maybe some sneaking around...." Autumn bites her lower lip as she hopes Bucky catches onto her drift. He tilts his head as she looks at her funny.

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