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"Aspire to inspire before we expire"


"Has anyone ever told you that you are the most arrogant person ever or do you pay everyone to say you're great?" Autumn spits out at Stark as her patience with him runs out.

"Has anyone told you how much of a pain you are A?" Stark backchats Autumn, causing her to exhale and inhale in rapid succession. It's been one whole week since Autumn scared the living day lights out of the HYDRA agent. Since then she has been very withdrawn, not because of her discovering that her parents were HYDRA, but because she is in the company of SHIELD agents and the Avengers. Currently she and Stark are in the middle of a heated discussion in his office at the compound. One of the many the pair have had over the past few days.

"Stop calling me that" Autumn yells back back as she grows a distaste for the nickname.

"Well I can think of other names beginning with A if you'd like? There's assho..." Stark goes to start but is cut short.

"Sorry to interrupt Sir but Director Fury has arrived" FRIDAY announces. Autumn immediately rolls her eyes to the back of her head whilst she releases a long sigh.

"Fantastic, I'm going to leave now" she also announces as she heads towards the large door to the larger office.

"Not too fast, Fury wants to speak with you...A" Stark pulls her back as he pushes Autumns buttons. She has met Fury before, he was about to become the new director of SHIELD when they gave her up. He was one of the last people she saw before HYDRA got her. No doubt Fury would have a lot to say, Autumn too. A knock on the door signals Stark to rise from his leather seat and let the guest in. Autumn could feel the beginning of a headache that will undoubtedly get much worse. Autumn throws a death stare in Fury's direction before she turns her attention to the window in Stark's office.

"Mr. Stark, a pleasure as always" Fury greets as he enters the room, his black trench coat trailing behind him which matches the rets of his black attire, his eye patch included.

"Miss Courtney...I don't think 'pleasure' is quite the word I'd would use" Fury adds as he directs it at Autumn who has turned her back to him, her gaze focusing on landscape below. She longs for some alone time far far away from the compound. Autumn keeps her mouth closed and eyes forward as she ignores the two pairs of eyes glaring at her from behind.

"Wow, I've never heard her speechless before" Stark sarcastically juts in as he places a hand on his chest to imitate pure shock but once he gets no reaction at all, he returns to the comfort of the chair.

"Miss Courtney, I could have you arrested right now for the crimes you have committed against SHIELD and others and.." Fury starts as Autumns silence annoys him and being the director, he wishes to ascertain some control. Autumn has other plans as his rant instantly causes a reaction from her.

"And what? Throw me under the bus again? Fabricate a nice little lie to cover your own ass Fury? I'll kill you before you get the chance Fury" Autumn threats as she snaps around and stares him down, pure hatred in her eyes. Fury swallows the lump in his throat as he also swallows the retaliation he was about to pursue.

"I wasn't director then, what could I have done?" Fury defends as he doesn't try and defend the actions of SHIELD only a few years ago, definitely not a good move from them.

"So what? You could have tried to help me when they made you director. Instead you made sure you made friends with all the important people, oh and don't forget Miss Williams" Autumn spits insults as well as making reference to Fury's secret love life. Stark darts his eyes to Fury, like a spectator watching a tennis match, who's going to score the next point? Fury blushes a deep scarlet shade.

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