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"Experts say that children are not born criminals nor pampered parasites. They are made that way by the environment in which they live"

The next twenty four hours are rough to say the least. Clint and Bucky managed to get Autumn to the old SHIELD base and more importantly to the medical supplies secured within. Autumn had lost a lot of blood but Bucky's blood with the super serum was the only thing keeping her alive.

They rushed her in and immediately operated on her. Between Clint and Bucky they managed to remove the bullet and repair some of the internal damage. Bucky had been trained during his time with HYDRA, Clint had limited knowledge but they made it work between them. They had stabilised Autumn but the next day or two would be critical. Vision and Stark had successfully taken care of everyone bar one HYDRA agent so he could be interrogated. They had taken him back to the compound in New York. Clint and Bucky are the only ones to see Autumn, no one needs to know the location of this base for everyones safety.



"Are they getting anything out of that agent?" Clint questions Bucky as he throws a tennis ball up into the air and catches it upon its return.

"Nothing yet, they won't either. He's trained not to say anything" Bucky replies as he leans back and relaxes into a plastic chair, boredom nagging at the pair. Neither of them has seen any daylight or inhaled fresh oxygen in days, the need for secrecy trumps it.

"Hopefully we will be out of here soon" Clint adds as he continues with his ball throwing game.

"Hopefully. I'll go check on her" Bucky announces as he pushes himself from old chair, receiving a nod from Clint. He departs from the underground room and traces the ancient like halls of the bunker base. He is growing sick of the sight of the place but it is the safest place for Autumn and he would stay here for her. Bucky enters her medical room and is greeted by her smile, a smile Bucky has grown to adore.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Bucky returns a gentle smile as he ponders on Autumns state of wellbeing. She shifts herself upwards to a seated position on the bed to make herself more comfortable.

"As well as can expected, I really want to get out of this place though" Autumn honestly replies and Bucky agrees wholeheartedly. He leans forward and places both his hands on the end of her bed. A few days ago she had wires and machines attached to her. Now, just an IV line. The enhanced blood has saved her life.

"I'm looking forward to getting some air " Bucky adds with a smirk before diverting his eyes from Autumn. He stands there awkwardly, not knowing what to do or what to say. Autumn has learned also that he is a shy person who almost always feels like he shouldn't be here, but she wants him to stay.

"That HYDRA agent, have they cracked him yet?" Autumn initiates the next topic of conversation,  breaking the silence. Bucky shakes his head, his hair falling out from behind his ears.

"No, I don't know how much longer they will last with him" Bucky responds as he reconnects his blue eyes to Autumns ones. She stares back but at the same time, a thought is forming.

"I want to see him" Autumn announces suddenly and takes Bucky by surprise. He retracts his relaxed stance for a standing upright one, obviously not content with the comment.

"You're not strong enough, no mind interrogate someone" Bucky points out a very valid statement but Autumn being Autumn, she has a backup statement.

"I never said interrogate. That agent saw me get shot so he probably thinks I'm dead or dying, so if Natasha or Stark tell him I'm dead he might say what plans HYDRA had." Autumn teases out her idea, and Bucky stays silent for a moment as he digests the idea. When he comes back around, he wears a cheeky grin on his face, one Autumn returns.

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