08| good year

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"Nice game, Malfoy."


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It had been a few days since the incident, and Harry Potter was still in the hospital being taken care by Madam Pomfrey. The boy had been badly hurt, but he had successfully found out who had been trying to steal the stone. It was none other than stuttering Professor Quirrel, who had seemed completely innocent up until then. The good news was that Professor Snape was not the culprit, much to their surprise. Y/n was right.

That morning, Hermione, Ron, and I were conversing with one another as we walked through the large hallway heading to breakfast. However, we stopped when reaching the staircase, looking up to see Harry leaning over the railing and happily wave down at us.

"Harry!" I exclaimed, beaming up at the boy. "You're alright!"

"Yes, I just got released this morning," the boy replied. "Are you guys alright?"

I sighed, shaking my head, "Yes, now that you're all better. We really missed you, Harry."

"I missed you too." He replied, descending the staircase and walking over to us.

"By the way, I knew it wasn't Snape," I began, scolding him slightly. "You should start listening to me more often."

"Maybe I will." He said and laughed.


Taking a seat down in the Great Hall, I looked up at the atmosphere. It was heavily decorated with green banners, the symbol of a snake proudly resembling the Slytherin house.

Yes, Slytherin won the House Cup, which meant I was never going to hear the end of it from Draco Malfoy.

Seated at the front of the room, Professor McGonagall lifted up her fork and lightly tapped it the side of her glass, signaling silence as Professor Dumbledore took a stance at the podium. The entire Great Hall fell to a silence, the students pausing their conversations as their eyes shifted upwards.

"Another year gone..." Dumbledore began, looking out at the four tables. "Now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus."

I sighed, hanging my head low as Dumbledore spoke the words, "In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points."

The entire Gryffindor table portrayed sad expressions on their faces, looking around at each other in shame. It was extremely unlike Gryffindor to be placed last, so the students weren't exactly thrilled at their performance this year. As my eyes shift over to the Slytherin table, I noticed Draco Malfoy and his friends pointing over to us while quietly laughing.

Rolling my eyes, I turned back to the front of the room and listened to Dumbledore deliver out the rest of the points, "In third place, Hufflepuff, with 352 points. In second place, Ravenclaw, with 426 points. And, finally, in first place, with 472 points, the Slytherin House."

MY FAKE BOYFRIEND ( draco malfoy! )Where stories live. Discover now