37| black lake

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"Don't make me worry like that again, alright?"

CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────"Don't make me worry like that again, alright?"

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The sunlight streamed through the castle windows, shining down on me as I groggily blinked my eyes open. The room was quiet except for the faint sounds of birds chirping outside. I glanced over at the clock on my bedside table. I still had a bit of time before I needed to head down to breakfast. With a deep sigh, I threw off my blankets and walked softly across the room.

As I put on a pair of jeans and pulled a jumper over my head, my mind drifted back to previous day. To the Yule Ball last night. To Draco Malfoy. The way he'd looked at me. The way his hand had felt in mine, and how the world around us had faded for just a moment. And then that kiss. That damn kiss. It made my heart race, even now.

Then, my thoughts shifted to the confrontation with Ron. His harsh words still stung like a fresh wound. Blood traitor. The way he'd spat the words, his face covered with anger, had made my stomach twist. I knew Ron could be impulsive, but hearing him say that, of all things, felt like a betrayal.

And then there was what he said after.

"Harry's in love with you."

How was I supposed to feel about that?

Harry Potter, my best friend, the one person who had always been a constant in my life was in love with me.

As I exited the dormitory and made my way down toward the Great Hall, I knew that whatever was happening between me and Draco—whatever me and Harry were, or weren't—none of it was going to stay buried for long.


I walked into the Great Hall, my eyes scanning the crowd of students already seated for breakfast. My stomach was in knots, too tight to even think about eating, but I knew I had to try. The second task was coming up, and I needed something to keep me going.

I spotted Harry and Ron sitting at the Gryffindor table, heads bent over their plates. As soon as I got closer, Ron looked up, his face falling with guilt the moment he saw me. I knew what was coming.

Without saying anything, I slid into the seat across from them. The silence between me and Ron was heavy, and Harry, sensing the tension, gave me a small smile but didn't say anything.

Ron shifted awkwardly.

"Y/n...about yesterday..." he began, his voice quieter than usual. "What I said...I was out of line. I didn't mean it."

MY FAKE BOYFRIEND ( draco malfoy! )Where stories live. Discover now