19 | the kiss that changed everything

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"Woah, back off my boyfriend you freak."


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Peace. That was all I was feeling at this very moment. Absolute peace.

I was sitting on a couch in the living room with a cup of tea and one of my favorite novels held in my hand.  In fact, I was so drawn into the book, that when my mother called my name, I wasn't able to hear.

That was, until I felt a pair of hands shake me out of my daze, causing me to jump and nearly spill my tea. I was startled when I turned to my mother, whose face projected a smile of joy.

"Someone looks happy." I said and chuckled, setting my book down on the table in front of me.

"I am! And you should be too!" She spoke, causing me to lift an eyebrow in question. Noticing my confusion, my mother continued, "We are going to an extravagant party tonight."

"What?" I asked, once again my voice flooding with confusion.

"We have been invited to Malfoy Manor along with all the other pureblood families tonight." She explained.

"Tonight?" I asked, gasping in shock. "That's a bit last minute, don't you think?"

My mother shook her head, "They must've mixed up our location with our old house, and delivered the invitation there, but that is irrelevant. We have enough time to get ready, as long as we start soon."

"Wait, why do I have to go to this?" I asked.

Don't get me wrong, I would never want to pass up a party, but this is the Malfoy's we are talking about. Meaning, I'll have to see Draco.

She rolled her eyes and turned me around.

"No time for questions," My mother waved off, urging me to stand up. "Just go figure out what you are going to wear."

"O-Okay?" I muttered and walked back up to my room.

Out of all well-known wizarding families, why did it have to be the Malfoy's?

I rolled my eyes and looked around my closet for a dress to wear. I did not want it to be over the top, but I didn't want to look completely underdressed either. The task itself took quite a while, but since everything in my closet was color coordinated, it did help speed up the process. Once I decided on the dress, I pulled it out and scanned over it in awe. The color was a beautiful y/f/c, with a tight corset top and a long silk skirt freely falling from my waist.

After hearing a sudden knock on my door, I quickly turned around and muttered, "Come in."

My mother walked in, her robe wrapped around her body as her hair was pulled up to dry. She must've been in the process of getting ready. Once spotting the dress I held in my hands, my mother gasped in awe.

MY FAKE BOYFRIEND ( draco malfoy! )Where stories live. Discover now