[And So It Begins :: Eren]

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  (F I V E Y E A R S B E F O R E)
Sunlight shimmered down through the sparse tree leaves, dappling the assortment of flowers at your feet and causing you to raise a hand over your eyes, acting as a shield against the brightness. Although it was almost overpowering, you smiled. It was rare that you got to see the sun when you were gathering firewood. Usually, your parents made the mistake of sending you out on a seemingly clear day, only to find you back home and drenched with rain.

You hadn't gathered much yet, but that was okay. You'd have the entire day to find more. For now, your mind was set on exploring. You'd always had a fascination with seeing people out and about. Something about the smiles on their faces, the happy atmosphere...it was infectious. The children playing in the floral gardens, the adults chattering over lunch, the teens kicking back and joking around with friends - it all made you feel just as happy as them.

"...fight like that if you have to?" An angry voice broke your steady flow of thoughts.

Turning to face the opening in the wall that led from the main part of Wall Maria to Shiganshina, you saw two kids around your age, one who appeared female, one who appeared male. The boy was the one who had yelled.

A Garrison member, figure wavering from side to side a bit despite the fact that he didn't seem to have any injuries, was looking down at him. "If we have to? When would we-"

"When else!?" The boy shouted again. "If they breached the walls and entered the city!" Although you could only see his back, you could tell from his posture that he was tense. You darted out of sight, peeking around the corner hesitantly, feeling the odd urge to watch what was going on.

The Garrison affiliate put his hands to his ears, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. "Ow...Eren, don't yell like that..."

So the boy's name is Eren.

As another Garrison member entered the scene, you took a few steps back, worried that he'd see you. You did want to see where their conversation was going, but the sun was almost at its highest point in the sky. Your parents were expecting you back. Reluctantly, you started back on the path to your house.

I hope I'll see him again. I want to know what happened.

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