Valentine's Special [Mikasa]

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Valentine's Day at Survey High.

For most, it was a day of love and joy, of confessions and coyness, of romance and ridicule. A celebration of all celebrations, regardless of who you were. A holiday solely devoted to the beauty that was love and everything encompassed and enveloped within the word and its surrounding synonyms. For you, it was just another normal day. Only this time you were positive all the walls, floors, classes, and students would be adorned with reds, whites, and pinks, carrying roses and tender letters and smelling sweetly of roses and romance. As had been the case the past three years of school.

It was now your senior, and thus final, year of high school. In all honesty, you had no idea what you wanted to do after the remaining few months of your required education were completed. Sure, some things had seemed more interesting or appealing than others, but it was never like the situation for most of your friends. With them, something had simply clicked. It was as though each had been born into the world with a hand-selected destiny. A destiny that, once realized, would lead them down the unshakable path of their life, both school-wise, career-wise, and relationship-wise.

You'd never been like that, though. While other children had dreamt of saving the world or becoming superheroes, you'd dreamt of being able to dream like them. While other tweens had come up with answers like 'doctor,' 'author,' 'artist,' and 'teacher' when asked what profession they wanted to choose in their primary years, your answer had always been 'I don't know.' While other teenagers put down specialty choices on their course cards for classes catering to their career needs, you took the general four-core smattering of colloquiums. And now, while other young adults frantically wrote application letters to their dream universities, you stood, still as unsure as ever.

The cool winter air had brought with it an unprecedented chill. No forecaster had mentioned anything of the like, but you felt, nevertheless, rather foolish, in your casual jeans and short-sleeved t-shirt and running shoes. Thus it was with that much more relief that you pushed through the back doors nearest your first-period Calculus class. The warmer temperature of the school's filtered atmosphere enveloped you in a comfortable envelope, and your hair no longer flung about wildly against the abrasive winds. For a moment you were glad that you could be alone in the solace of a silent school morning. Yet just as quickly as that thought had come, it was withdrawn with a single substratal survey of your surroundings.

A sigh welled in your throat. The announcements had specifically stated that the Festival of Hearts would be erected in the cafeteria - so why, then, was it posted up, with all its corporate company cordiality, near the last hallway? The exhale was muffled only by the equally electric efforts of a small groan. Now not even your beloved bungalow was completely yours; rather, a conglomeration of pining pupils lined the floor from wall to wall.

"Ooh, my heart isn't here!"

"Someone must've gotten mine..."

"Who was it! I can't believe someone likes me like that..."

"Yes, nobody had his! Now it's all mine!"

"Ah, sweet! Her heart is all mine!"

Arrays of alike acclamation aviated through the sickly-sweet air. The Festival of Hearts was the only real school-wide celebration you had - besides graduation, of course. You'd always thought the base idea somewhat silly. Every student, regardless of readiness, had their name written on a piece of red cardboard, cut into small hearts. On Valentine's Day, all the students' hearts would be posted in the cafeteria - or, in the case of this year, for whatever reason, the hallway to the back parking lot. From there, anything was fair game. Anybody could walk up and take whoever's heart they so desired. Specifically, it was reserved for showing interest in someone (although you'd be lying if you denied that, during your first year, you'd seen a group of catty older girls claw down the hearts of their exes and cut them into shreds). By the end of the day, everyone's heart would be gone. Even yours.

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