[And So It Begins :: Jean]

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(F I V E  Y E A R S  B E F O R E)

It had taken you a long time, but here you were, competing in your school's local art competition. You had spent months honing your skills in preparation for your submission, and countless drafts of rejected pieces had littered your room. But it was worth it. Your current piece, a black-and-white pencil sketch of a horse, had been the best drawing you'd ever done.

You had pulled it out of backpack and were waiting anxiously for your last class to end. When the bell finally did ring, you found yourself in a clamor of happy voices and a sea of people racing home. Going against the wave of bodies, you slipped into the empty cafeteria, where the submissions were to be entered.

As you stepped in and noticed the large amount of fellow students, your fear only grew. You hadn't expected this many people to enter an art competition! And yet, there they were, chatting in line before handing off their piece to the teacher.

The one thing that really had you nervous, though: some of the pictures were fantastic.

Doubts clouded your mind as you glanced back down to your picture. Maybe you should wait another year, or at least until you could do something that wouldn't make you feel like crap compared to everyone else. Maybe you should just go home. There really wasn't a chance of you winning, anyways.

Luckily for you, you hadn't gotten very far into the large room, and easily made it back to the door without anyone noticing.

Or so you thought.

"Hey, where are you going?"

You froze. One of your classmates - his name was Jean, you thought - had caught you. "Home," you replied quietly.


"This...er, I'm just not ready." You could feel sweatdrops forming on your forehead.

Much to your dismay, he snatched the picture from your hands, speaking over your cry of protest. "It's so pretty!"


"I'm going to go turn it in for you," he grinned mischievously, "since you're too nervous to do it yourself." He took off towards the cafeteria again, and you followed, flabbergasted.

But you were too late. By the time you caught up to him, he'd already cut to the front of the line and dropped off your art at the station.

You weren't really sure what to do. As your face grew hot with inevitable confusion, you dashed out of the school, silently cursing Jean.

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