Rest [ Depressed!Armin x Reader ]

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{Before we begin, please don't read anything below if you are triggered by displays of/the topic of depression.  I want all you lovelies happy, and I know how hard that can be sometimes, so please please please, don't read ahead if this might upset you.  }

[ for :: Always4HarryPotter ] 

Once upon a time, you would've been happy like this. Happy in a quiet room. Enjoying the seconds of silence and breathing in the vast muteness that surrounded you, thankful for just a moment of placid serenity, basking in the beauty that was everything calm and quiet. A smile would have been on your face, and you would have been truly glad. It would finally feel like you could have some rest; some time to forget about the world and unwind. Ever since you'd joined the Survey Corps, there hadn't been a single moment of this cherished noiselessness. Of course, that was to be expected - it was, after all, a military branch, and one that encounter titans quite frequently at that. You hadn't signed up expecting it to be easy. But you could not say with all sincerity that you had concluded it would be this hard.

Here was not once upon a time. Here was in the mess hall, sitting alone, too hungry not to eat yet too sickened by that prospect to force yourself to do so.

Here, the world was completely positively mute.

Everything that could have made so much of a noise was silent. No shouting was heard from outside, like on a typical day, be it from a recruit or high-ranking officer. Nobody was complaining about the bad food or the ungodly hour of the morning that members of the Corps were required to wake up at. Nobody was doing - well, anything.

You would've idolized it on any other day.

But not on that day.

For the silence that day was not a silence of natural human occurrence. Nobody had just decided that they'd be quiet the entire day, and nor had anyone instructed them all to not make a sound. Nobody had taken a moment to consider that other people might crave the lull like sustenance. And under any of those circumstances you would've found yourself sitting near your friends, wolfing down food, and feeling at ease.

But this was not a circumstance of humanity's decisions.

Today the female Titan had been captured.


Now the quiescence was unbearable. You longed for someone to say something, do something, anything, really, just to remind everyone that the world, albeit fractured and cruel, was still there, still waiting for its inhabitants to meld it back together. Maybe it was something less than that. You would've been happy if someone - anyone - was by your side. At least to reassure you that the world was still there; broken, but still there.

And so you had waited. The first few minutes were relatively numb - you were still recovering from the shock of the mission and sheer number of total casualties. The next few were more pained. You'd attempted to find Eren, only to remember that he was busy discussing the details of the mission's aftermath with the Commander. Then you'd searched for Mikasa, but she, of course, had left alongside Eren, promising you that they'd both return soon enough.

They had lied.

In a desperate state you had combed the rest of the grounds from floor to ceiling, nook to cranny, building to outdoors for Armin. If there was anyone at all that could've offered you the comfort, it would have been him. His words were always kind, and he was always helpful, regardless of whatever may have been going on around him. He hadn't left with Mikasa and Eren; that much you knew. Yet he wasn't in the cafeteria. In fact, it seemed like he wasn't anywhere on the premises at all.

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