[And So It Begins :: Marco]

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(F I V E  Y E A R S  B E F O R E)

Your parents had always been friends with the Bodt family. And, considering that you and the Bodt's son, Marco, were close in age, you two had frequently been to one another's house, eaten out with your parents together, and practically grown up with each other.

Today, your parents were attending a business meeting, and you, of course, had been sent to the Bodt household. It had been an oddly long time since you had last seen Marco. Usually the gaps were nothing more than a week or two, but you'd gone almost half a year. Part of that had probably come from the fact that both of your parents had grown busier with work and started hiring babysitters. Still, though...you felt somewhat alienated as you stepped onto his porch, parents trailing behind you. Your mother knocked on the door.

When Marco's father answered the door, his eyes lit up. "Well, if it isn't little [y/n] and the other [l/n]s!" He reached down and ruffled your hair. You giggled a little - he hadn't changed at all.

As your family entered the house, Marco's mother appeared, a small smile appearing on her face as she saw you.

After a few moments of settling in, you raised an eyebrow, noticing the lack of your freckled friend. "Where's Marco?"

"Oh, poor Marco's not feeling well today," Mrs. Bodt explained, folding her hands in her lap. "But I'm sure he'll be ready to play soon enough."

You pouted. Although you'd felt somewhat estranged earlier, you'd realized that Marco's family hadn't changed at all, and now you genuinely wanted to see him.

Your father easily picked up on your sadness. "Would it be alright if [y/n] paid him a small visit? She'd be very careful not to get sick."

"Well, he has been wanting to see you," Marco's father cut in, "so go on ahead."

A smile returned to your lips, and you skipped off to Marco's room. His door was slightly ajar, but you still knocked, not wanting to startle him.

"[Y/n]!" He exclaimed upon seeing you. His statement was closely followed by a sniffle, and he snuggled deeper under the mound of blankets atop his bed.

You grinned. Even if six months passed, and he wasn't feeling well, he was still the same person you'd become best friends with years ago.

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