[And So It Begins :: Reiner]

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(F I V E  Y E A R S  B E F O R E)


You were not a fan of P.E. You never had been, and, quite honestly, it seemed to ruin your day even more than finals. And, of course, perhaps to just rub it in your face, the coaches were making you play your most hated game of all: dodgeball.

The class had been split into two teams. You were, of course, placed with the least athletic kids in the school. Everyone would see how awful you were - especially since you were worse than all of them, and it was, in some people's perspectives, hard to be worse than them.

You groaned as you lined up where the styrofoam balls had been laid out in the middle of the gym. One of the coaches blew her whistle, but you didn't really do anything, letting the other kids grab the balls and begin to throw them at one another. You took cover behind the students on the front lines, occasionally jumping to avoid a stray ball or two. This strategy worked out well until you were one of the last kids left.

Everyone on your team with potential had gotten hit. It was just you and three others versus the eight members of the other team. Perhaps the only lucky point of the day was that the other team seemed to be going for your remaining teammates and not you.

Until the boy in front of you was hit, and his attacker advanced on you. "Why aren't you playing?" He was stocky, with blonde hair, and was throwing a barrage of the spheres at you.

"I hate this game," you muttered back, surprised to avoid everything he'd thrown, "it's dumb."

"Okay. Then I won't feel bad when I hit you."

You successfully managed to dodge a few more, but shortly after, he threw a ball straight for your chest. Your reflexes kicked in and you grabbed it with one hand.

"Did Reiner just get his butt kicked by [y/n]?"

"She's better than I thought..."

"Hey, Reiner, you're out! Stop staring at her like that."

The boy's mouth moved, but he seemed unable to say anything other than "Good job."

And, for the first time, you won a match of dodgeball.

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