[And So It Begins :: Armin]

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(F I V E  Y E A R S  B E F O R E)

As you plopped down into a soft, cushioned chair, you inhaled deeply, deciding the smell of old books was a scent you loved. Getting past the dust or occasional dank section in the bookstore was worth it if it meant you could sit in your corner and flip through the yellowing pages of your favorite novels. Today you'd picked up a title that had caught your interest: Before the Walls: Speculations of the World. You knew it wasn't factual, but seeing others' ideas as to what really went on before the construction of the three walls had piqued your curiosity.

Having to read fast was something you could deal with. Your father was a very persistent person; he had instilled in you the notion that buying books was something they just couldn't afford. So you came almost every day to get your fix of printed words.

The librarian was a very kind man. He didn't mind that you never bought anything. In fact, you thought he genuinely enjoyed seeing you read. You'd come to know him as Mr. Arlert. And, although it was usually only you and him in the small store, today, another pair of footsteps could be heard near the counter.

A blonde boy was eagerly scoping out the vicinity of the building - and, more importantly, the books contained within it. "This is amazing, Grandpa! You have so many books!"

You picked your head up at the word 'books,' watching him scamper around from shelf to shelf, blue eyes wide with excitement.

Mr. Arlert chuckled at his grandson's joy. "I've been working on it for a while now. You can always ask little [y/n] over there; she's seen this place through it all."

"...[y/n]...?" His gaze caught yours, and a blush darted across his cheeks. "I'm sorry! I wouldn't have been so loud if I had known you were reading..."

You smiled a little. "It's okay. You like reading, too?"

He nodded, evidently still embarrassed for presumably bothering you.

"O-oh! No, don't worry about that. I come here almost every day anyways," you added quickly, closing the book and resting it in your lap, feeling somewhat awkward. The clock on the wall struck five, and you stood up in a flurry of motion. Your dad would be worried about you if you weren't back soon. "I'm sorry, my dad wants me home soon...but it was nice meeting you."

As you re-shelved the book, he added, "It was nice meeting you too, [y/n]. Er - I-I'm Armin, by the way."

With a final, flustered goodbye to both Armin and Mr. Arlert, you slid out the door, making sure to remember the name of the boy who'd seemed just as enamored with books as you were.

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