[That Day :: Sasha]

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(F I V E  Y E A R S  B E F O R E)

True to her word, the thief-turned-friend, Sasha, did indeed come back the next day - and the day after that, and the day after that. Every day you'd get her whatever it was she'd ordered, and then sit and talk with her for a bit. You found out a lot about her that way. She was a hunter - and an excellent one, at that. Sure, most of the people in your village were hunters, but there was something different about her. Something far more interesting.

You weren't really sure what to call it. You were simply drawn to her, like a moth to a light, and it seemed that she was equally drawn to you. Therefore, it didn't really come as a surprise when she entered the small bakery one morning, bow and arrow in hand. What did surprise you was what she said.

"[Y/n]!" she exclaimed, a small grin on her face. "My dad said we haven't gotten enough prey yet...so can you come hunting with me?"

The color of your face drained, leaving nothing but a ghostly pallor playing across your features. You weren't a hunter. You hadn't ever held a weapon - much less a bow and arrow. That just wasn't what you did. Your parents had told you about how you lived near a village of hunters, but...that was about it. Biting your lip, you contemplated your choices. You didn't want to lie to her and say you could hunt. You also knew you couldn't leave her like that, looking so eager, like she finally had a friend, or even just a companion.

"I - I don't know how." The answer was far less gracious than what you'd been planning. It had slipped out.

Sasha tilted her head. "Don't know what?"

You stepped out from behind the counter. "I haven't ever been hunting," you murmured. Your gaze fell to the floor, and would've stayed there for the rest of the day, had your friend not begun to laugh.

"Don't look so nervous!" She giggled, then let herself recover for a moment before continuing, "I didn't think you knew. But..." Taking your hand, she pressed her bow into it. "I can teach you."

Staring at the weapon you now wielded, your jaw dropped a bit, leaving your mouth somewhere between a gasp and a sigh. You weren't really sure what to address first - the fact that you could've very easily accidentally shot an arrow at her, or her offer. "Yeah." That was what your mind had settled on. It wasn't a very clear answer, so you elaborated, "Yes. I'll go hunting with you, and you can teach me. I'll do it." I'll do it. I'll do it. It took you a few more mental repetitions before you even believed what you were saying yourself.

Sasha didn't seem to notice. Instead, she made a dash for the door, pulling her own bow from its handmade sheath. "Come on! I'll take you to my favorite spot."

And that was how it began - out in a heavily-wooded area of forest, shooting at trees, carving out makeshift bullseyes and applauding every time either of you hit them. It took you a bit to get the hang of it. With Sasha there beside you, making a joke out of everything and providing laid-back guidance, you started to relax. Something about being outside in the quiet morning air provided a vast sense of calmness to you.

As you retrieved your arrow - which had just barely missed the center of the target - for the sixth time, everything began to feel more natural. Nock. Set. Draw. Anchor. Aim. Release.

"Whoa!" Sasha gasped, a huge grin lighting up her face. "[Y/n], look!"

You lowered your bow and took in the sight. "I - hit the bullseye?!"

Sasha ran to grab your arrow for you, laughing. "Good job! You're pretty good at this." She repeated the process with her own bow and arrow, managing to hit the bullseye for the fourth time in a row, somewhat negating her previous statement. "But now's the real test - can you hit a moving target?"

As Sasha went into detail on how she hunted, you listened intently, a smile reaching your eyes. This was a lot more fun than you would've thought it to be. Perhaps that had something to do with the fact that you had a friend along to teach you.

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