Chapter 4 - The yoctobooth

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The yoctobooth

Zogham had never been before the current Governor of Anaya Gateway, but he knew he was a just, highly evolved being. With knowledge he had no idea when, and if one day, would also have. But these were basic requirements to occupy that post. He was deeply concerned about the consequences of his slip. He became Advisor Apprentice when he was a Level 4 and this was his second pupil. He accompanied her for many cycles. He remembered the beginning when he was at her side in her last cycle on a planet Level 1. He loved her as if she were part of his own being and celebrated each of her conquests; however, he knew he had demanded more of her than he should. He was in disharmony and emotions he had left behind so long ago were shaking him. Preoccupation and especially remorse, wouldn't help, on the contrary, would hinder him when it was time to rescue her. If he couldn't control himself, he could lose her, and he didn't want to cause her more pain and suffering. He didn't know how to be impartial, despite this being a requirement of the relationship between Advisor and pupil.

Upon leaving the recovery room, Zogham headed for a yoctobooth. He wished he could flowght into the Governor's office, which meant to travel through thought, as the body will follow where the mind wants to take it. Flowghting, he could reach almost anywhere virtually at the same speed of his thought, but, for security reasons, the flowght wasn't allowed in the Anaya Gateway. So he had no other option but to use a transfer booth, even though they were somewhat slower. The Anaya Gateway had many of them and he only needed to follow a close by hallway to find one. The yoctobooths, or transfer booths were small cubicles that identified the composition of who entered them, decomposing them into particles to reassemble them in another cabin. Just the mind was transferred, the physical form was remade with the same material, because it was all energy and everything was possible to be redone except for the thought, it was the individual himself. They were developed by Gateway's researchers as a means of universal transport and are more accurate than flowghting, particularly for long distances. They served as a help to those who had limited ability to concentrate. It's still common in flowght to want to go somewhere and arrive in a completely different place when one isn't trained enough. At first, yoctobooths were distributed in all the worlds, with a countless number of them. But improper use of the system led to a recall of all the booths outside of the Gateway. Now, they were used for internal travel only.

Zogham stopped in front of the booth. The door dematerialized and he entered. Inside, it was very small, accommodating only one individual at a time. As he positioned himself at the center, the door materialized again. Before him appeared an androgynous face.

- Hello, you are in a yoctobooth located in sector 2 of healing, recovery, rescue, care and re-energizing of the Anaya Gateway, where would you like to be transferred to?

- Hi, I'd like to go to Master Carama's office.

- Identification, please.

- NA5O10470.

- Zogham Quercus, what is the reason for the transfer?

- Master Carama requested my presence.

The figure lowered its eyes slightly and began gesturing as if consulting a data system. Zogham started noticing a slight anxiety in his emotions and felt even more unhinged. He tried to empty his mind and suddenly, for the first time in what was almost like an eternity, couldn't stop thinking. Fortunately, I heard the strange voice addressing him again:

- I'm going to transfer you to a booth in front of Master Carama's office. Please, don't cancel the safety instructions and listen carefully to the directions. Have a nice trip.

Zogham sighed deeply, he was really anxious. – How uncomfortable! – He never felt impatient in a cabin, even if he already heard the instructions thousands of times. It was part of the procedure and it never bothered him. Now he had to struggle to control his impulse to cancel all the words that I knew like the palm of his hand. He closed his eyes and struggled to maintain balance.

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