Chapter 14 - In the Director's office

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In the Director's office

- Please, sit down. – The Director said addressing Zogham and Julianna.

- Sit wher...? – But before Julianna finished her sentence, she noticed two chairs behind them. – These cChapter 14 - In the Director's officehairs weren't here, were they?

Zogham was about to answer but the Director didn't give him time.

- No, Julianna, I just materialized them.

Julianna looked at the Director skeptically. She skirted one of the chairs, running her hands in its back and seat and stood behind it.

- Well, if you allow me, I would like to make a comment and ask a question. – She said shyly.

Zogham was going to interrupt her but the Director didn't allow it, gesturing with his hand for her to continue.

- Of course, go on.

- First, you know my name, but I still don't know yours and second, when will I get to understand how things work here?

Zogham sat in the other chair and said nothing. He knew that the Director wouldn't be bothered by Julianna's petulance but he wondered if it would highlight the impossibility of letting her stay in the Provisional Colony. She was unprepared.

- My dear, your comment is highly relevant, and shows how too much work is making me rude. My name is Ras Yerodin and, as you may already know, I'm responsible for this colony. – The Director spoke with a simple smile.

- By the way, Mr. Director, thank you for accepting me. I know I shouldn't be here. But is it possible to have answer for my second questions? – Julianna sat down slowly, as if afraid that the chair would disappear at any time.

- It only depends on you. – The Director said affectionately.

- On me? – She protested – But how? I ask and nobody answers me! – She looked directly at Zogham.

- Yes, I imagine so. However, it's not that simple. This here is a studies colony. We have several training programs, but all in advanced levels and you are Level 2. – He paused and completed – Do you know what that means?

- I'm not sure... – Julianna flinched.

- Well, I'll try to explain it in general terms. – Ras stood up and walked a bit around the room, as if choosing his words. Then he began his explanation – A long, long time ago, the Primary Spirits that created the Anaya Gateway developed a unique control over everything that exists in our universe, which they also gave form. They categorized and classified all the order as well as the disorder that exist around us; from the denser matter, they developed by themselves, to the most subtle energy in any wave, vibration or existing frequency. Since then, five levels have been established for the beings, which we call intelligent, that is, species that are able to develop a thought, to constitute reasoning and act logically. – Director paused and looked at Julianna.

- I can't even imagine the size of that file. – She said admired.

- Yes, it's a large file, but it doesn't grow, just updates, because our Universe is a box and nothing gets in or out of it. Everything in it is renewed all the time.

- A box??? But I thought that the universe was infinite! If it's a box, what's outside? – Julianna was amazed.

- Well, at the moment, I can only say to you that it's finite and we know all its borders. Are you with me so far? Can we continue? – He asked.

- More or less, this is very different from what I learned, but please continue.

- Right. I will try to use analogies to facilitate your understanding. As I said, five levels have been established for the beings whom we call intelligent. This scale distinguishes the knowledge gained by each being. Level 1 is for those who have little or no knowledge and Level 5 is for those who have completed all the training. If it were on Earth, your planet of origin, I'd say it's like going from childhood to old age.

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