Chapter 24 - The beginning

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The beginning

In the beginning, He was one and all existence was contained within Him and there was nothing without Him. He didn't wander in space because space didn't exist yet. He didn't know what He was nor why He was. His existence was all He knew because He always had existed. There was no before and therefore He didn't think there could be the after. He thought and didn't thought. Lived and not lived. He didn't move because He was stuck in himself. There were no words, for they were not necessary. He just felt, without naming what He felt. And so He was always. There was no past, present or future, because time didn't exist, not even relatively.

In the midst of all that was, came a nuisance. It wasn't enough just to live in Himself anymore. Feelings conflicted and He found that, despite being one, He was also many and the many who lived within began to feel different from each other. Soon came the disharmony. And when He could no longer contain the thoughts seeking what was outside Himself, He expelled them, a part of Him broke loose. And there has never been anything like it before, and never will be again. He was in balance again. And the thoughts without Him lost some of the knowledge they had. Together they were Him and knew everything. Apart, what they knew wasn't enough. Still, they didn't want to return, not now. He didn't want them back, not now.

The thoughts didn't know where they were, but they knew they could exist without Him, although connected to Him. Through Him, thoughts found each other, but didn't feel like the same thing, they didn't harmonize. However, there was only one feeling that was common to them, they wanted to create something out of Him, believing they could return to Him if it didn't work out. They divided into groups and demarcated infinity. However, except for the limits that separated them, there was nothing more, but when each group of thoughts positioned itself, creation really began!

The Universes emerged, each with a different structure. In one, the thoughts focused all the not thinking energy that had come off Him and around it devised a form. When they reached a consensus, there was a big explosion. The thoughts looked around and liked what they seen, but they were still not satisfied. The explosion scattered part of the energy and they didn't know what to do with it. They decided to create a place where they could study many ways to use this energy; the Anaya Gateway was born, for He is with us. And He inspired them, because there were still many within Him.

And of everything that they had created, nothing was more beautiful than Wicnion. And He told them "You can never go back into me, because what came out of me was by love and you lack it now. There is too much thinking energy still wandering the Universe you have created. Collect as much as you can and put them in Wicnion. Let them live the adventure they crave to live and when they relearn to love, bring them back. They are part of you and you are part of me, but you are not bigger than them nor I am less without you. What comes back to me and is not good, I will expel back and so will the movement flow until there is no more energy outside of me again."

It was in Him that they seeking the inspiration to form what was amorphous.

The thoughts called themselves Primary Spirits. The energy that tore from Him later and which they gave form and the breath of life, they called creatures.

The Spirits Primary called Him the Original Source; but some creatures, they call Him God.


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