Chapter 7 - Revelation

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- Father, answer me, where are we? What happened to me? Did I die? - Julianna couldn't ask her questions at the same speed of her thoughts. - What are you doing here? Don't tell me...?

- Shhhhh... - Clarence put a hand up to Julianna's lips as a sign she should not continue what she was going to say. - Calm down, you're among friends. In fact, you came off your physical body yes, and can no longer return to it. But as you can see, death doesn't mean ceasing to exist.

- But if I died, how can you be here with me unless you died too? - Julianna asked in surprise. - And what is this thing coming out of your head?

- Honey, my explanation would be too extensive and your ability to understand too reduced right now. For now, just know that my physical body is sleeping and that once you are well, I'll have to return to it. This "thing" in my head, as you say, is exactly what keeps me attached to my body. - Clarence leaned her head on his chest and stroked her hair.

- But you can't leave me here alone without knowing what is happening! - Julianna moved away from the father and stood up.

- Oh, my beloved daughter. Firstly, you won't be alone. These people are here to look after you. - He pointed to Gregory and Zogham. - Secondly, explanations will be given at the right time. Fear not, if it is possible, I will come visit and your mother too.

- But dad... - she whimpered.

- Julianna, everything may seem nebulous and incomprehensible now, but trust me. - He turned and motioned for Zogham to approach - He is Zogham Quercus. From now on, he will take care of you better than I was able to. - Clarence positioned Zogham right next to Julianna. - Now, I have to go.

- You can't go like this, stay a little longer, please. - She pleaded.

- Unfortunately, I can't. - He gave her a long embrace- It'll be fine.

Clarence kissed Julianna's face and despite her protests, he turned around and left through the door. She sat on the bed and began to cry.

- Why? Why did he leave me? - She sobbed dissatisfied.

Zogham approached her, holding her hands, with wet tears that incessant ran down his face.

- Julianna, I'll do everything for you to be well. I won't disappoint you, I promise.

She released her hands from his, wiped her eyes and looked at the place where she was. She looked at Gregory and Zogham and said:

- Are you angels?

Zogham stared at Gregory who responded with a slight smile.

- No Julianna, we are not angels. As your father said, my name is Zogham Quercus. I'm an Advisor. - And pointing to his friend. - And this is Gregory Akil, a Sector Monitor.

- I know him. He was who made me faint when I was sitting on a bench at the Bus... I mean, now I think that wasn't the Bus Terminal. - She concluded.

Gregory smiled gently:

- I'm sorry, but I had to.

Before Julianna could challenge his answer, Zogham interrupted:

- True, we can't say that Anaya Gateway is exactly a Bus Terminal, although it also serves as a transmission station.

- Anaya Gateway? - Julianna couldn't understand much of what was going on. She was dead, but she felt more alive than ever, not to mention she was talking with two strangers about stranger things yet. - You're called Zogham Quercus? And you're an Advisor? What does that mean? What do you advise?

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