Chapter 21 - The Council meeting

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The Council meeting

The clock struck 1711, 21 of xali in the stone wall of the Master Carama's office. Within hours, the meeting of the Universal Council would begin and it was necessary to check the Gateway's security once more. The meeting's content was absolutely confidential because it was about the birth of the new Governor of Wicnion. All the volunteers had been called and they were currently receiving their guidelines and proper training during sleep. Most of them didn't recalled they would be reborn in Wicnion and therefore couldn't participate in the genetic construction of the physical body that they would dwell, leaving the task to the Anaya Gateway labs. However, there was a group of volunteers who would play an important role in the reclaiming of Wicnion and therefore would have an active part in every stage of the process from the Council meeting on.

All those summoned had been consulted on the interest in participating on the mission and only those who agreed with it were designated as volunteers. For security reasons, their talk with Master Carama was blocked in their minds, to prevent information leakage. It was very important that Gabhar, the current Governor of Wicnion, didn't suspect anything. The volunteers would be born in different villages of the planet and they should feed the hearts with hope announcing the arrival of the one who would initiate Wicnion's transformation, spreading peace and harmony where they went.

Because of the vibrational difference, the spirits that inhabited Slaggelann and Thartarius weren't able to see visitors from Colony who walked by these layers studying their habits and customs. But those who came from the Colony couldn't stay in these places for a long time without affecting their energy. Excursions to these layers always ended in long treatments with Energizers. Master Carama knew that the scientists in Castle Chabon were developing a device that would allow them to see any frequency and that as soon as this technology was available, they would inspire scientists in Wicnion to develop it in the physical world as well. That was a more than a significant reason for the birth of the volunteers to occur as soon as possible.

The inhabitants of Slaggelann didn't seek rebirth. They considered themselves privileged not to dwell in Thartarius and for not having to submit to a physical body. Most lived off small services, often involving revenge against any individual in Wicnion. They were invoked by the fleshy, how they called those who were still alive, but these actions represented risk for both sides. Those who mastered the energy manipulation were able to keep under their control the spirits called to perform some task, turning them into specters without free will. Furthermore, those who invoked them without mastering the practice, were subject to the whims of Slaggelann's evildoers, and hardly could be free of the signed contract. In both cases, the yoke continued even after the oppressor or oppressed, depending on the case, crossing the border of death.

Wicnion had over twenty billion inhabitants distributed in thousands of villages, small kingdoms and two great empires, the only ones who held structured cities. In the beginning, each village worshipped its own god but as the lineage of wolves and foxes spreaded, dominating other species, they imposed the worship of Gabhar, King of Thartarius and Wicnion's Governor. Any village that was caught worshiping other gods or the Original Source was decimated and its inhabitants taken as slaves to the aurita mines. Even so, four villages kept the resistance, refusing to give up their culture, continuing to worship their gods and denying Gabhar. They were humans, gwenos, fairies and dragons. These people settled in difficult access areas and resorted to nature to help them keep their camouflaged villages, making them safe hiding places for their offspring.

There were also two groups of rebels who lived as nomads due to the different characteristics of its individuals, they couldn't stay long in the same habitat. The largest group was of the mixed, fruits of the sex between distinct species. They didn't worship any god and didn't believed in the existence of the Original Source, but they were extremely supportive with others and collected newborns abandoned by their mothers. The other group was formed by defectors from other villages, who didn't believe in Gabhar as their god. They didn't allow the crossing of the species, and if it happened, the parents were expelled from the tribe along with the newborn and left on their own.

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