Chapter 8 - Great friends

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Great friends

Aminah Zerlinda left the yoctobooth that was near the boarding station for the Wicnian Colony, in Luvelann. Unlike other stations, which had only one or two Sector Monitors, there were more than 15 monitors, plus five energizers that checked each passenger before embarking. No attempted invasion of Wicnian Colony had been recorded to date but before boarding, the passenger were subject to an energy frequency assessment. Aminah knew the need to go through this procedure because, despite form changes being curbed in Anaya Gateway, Wicnion had many scientists who insistently sought a way to circumvent the security system of the Gateway. For most orbs, it wasn't necessary to use means of transport. It was enough to go to an external platform of the Gateway and flowght to where one wanted to go. However, flowghting to the Wicnian Colony wasn't safe. A person was exposed to an improper paring in the middle of way. A gap of thought was enough to an opportunist to follow the distracted one and dock with him, wherever he went, copying his mental waves. It was only possible to flowght until the Colony's entrance, while using the Gateway's transport, landing occurred on the inside, where Security was as strict as the Gateway's itself. Aminah approached a Monitor, in his badge was written "Esdras Ezra – Sector Monitor – Special Sector W":

- Hello, Esdras. I must return to Wicnian Colony. – She said quietly.

- Please, follow me. – Monitor replied gently.

Esdras Ezra led her to a cabin.

- Please go inside – he asked.

Aminah was aware that, despite being a goddess worshiped by the fairies in Wicnion, she was just another worker. With more responsibilities certainly, but still, a worker that should submit to the same security procedures as any other. She entered the cabin and could barely move in it because of her wings. The Monitor closed the door and headed to an Energizer that was near.

- Adler, could you map the pher who is in the scanner? I think she's Aminah Zerlinda, one of the guardians of Wicnion.

- Of course Esdras.

Adler went to the scanner and put his hands on the sides, taking them off right away.

- Needless to continue. Although she has a few thoughts needing organization, her energy is wonderfully beautiful. You can clear her.

Esdras approached the scanner and opened the door.

- Sorry for the inconvenience, but we have to follow the security procedure.

Aminah said before leaving the cubicle.

- I wouldn't fulfill my role properly if I didn't let you do your job.

Esdras reached out to Aminah helping her out.

- Please, come with me. – He led the way.

Aminah followed by a narrow corridor until they came to a small boarding platform.

- I'll have to ask you for a little more patience. – Esdras said.

The pher looked at him without understanding.

- We are waiting for another passenger to Wicnion. – He said realizing her question.

- Really? And who would it be? – Aminah asked curiously, since it wasn't common to have passengers for the Wicnian Colony.

- Dacron Severiano. – He replied bluntly.

- Ah! My friend Dacron is here in the Gateway as well? I didn't know. I'll wait with pleasure. – She was radiant and her wings brightened slightly.

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