Chapter 5 - The energizer

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The Energizer

Gregory was standing beside the bed where Julianna remained unconscious. Although less agitated, the expression on her face was still of suffering.

- She really needs an Energizer... – he said to himself.

Energizers were able to map all the electrical pulses of a being. Every thought was a pulse and the mental work of each one composed their ideas and even their own form in the universe collectively. Thus, over a lifetime, one individual could scramble everything in his mind, causing a real short circuit, confusing the memories, strengthening phobias and weakening memory. So it was necessary to seek a Energizer regularly, to put order in the thoughts and avoid imbalance and confusion. However, it was not advisable to go to just anyone, but having a reliable Energizer, as a botched treatment could cause a lot of damage, making the situation worse off than before. Sometimes the consequences were irreversible, which meant the definitive removal of a specific memory or fixing an illusion planted through manipulation of energy. Gregory was very concerned about Julianna. He knew she was attached to the time of her accident and probably sought illusions to escape the pain and what she refused to accept as true: her body on Earth was no more. If she wasn't treated soon, it was certain that her mind would take refuge in her own fantasies and would live alienated of the reality. Even if she could remain unconscious for a Gateway day, her mind was still active.

- Why Zogham's taking so long? – He had just said it out loud, when Gregory saw the door opening. – Glad you came back!

Zogham entered the room and approached Julianna, holding her hand. Instantly, she shuddered gently.

- Hi, Gregory. How was she during my absence? – He asked without taking his eyes off her.

- Just as she is now. And how was your talk with Master Carama? – Gregory wanted to know if everything was okay.

- Better than I imagined. – Zogham said relieved.

- That's nice.

And for a while they remained silent. Gregory watched Zogham that led Julianna's hand to his lips. The Advisor kept his eyes closed and Gregory was surprised by all the pain and suffering his face showed. Shouldn't be like this, he thought.

- By the way, Master Carama authorized the Energizer I requested. Pretty soon we'll solve this. – Zogham turned to Gregory, but continued to hold Julianna's hand.

- Why did this Energizer needed authorization? – Gregory asked curious.

- Because he still lives on earth, he was Julianna's father.

- Oh, that explains the special permission.

- Gregory, thank you very much for staying here with her, but I know I started a crisis in the Gateway because of my mistake. You can go if you have to. – Zogham was really grateful to Gregory, but he knew the Monitor could be needed to support Ariel.

- All right, Zogham, I spoke with Ariel just now and she managed to circumvent the situation after talking with Master Carama. I can stay with you. Who knows if I can be still useful? – Monitor said supportive.

- My friend, your words comfort me. I am extremely confident depite of everything. I think all will be fine and I'll get Julianna back undamaged.

The recovery room door opened and a man with short white hair and gray eyes, wearing a sky-blue robe with a yellow sash at the waist, came in. From the top of his head, came a small silver fluid, dense, shaped as a wire, which dissolved in the air. This fluid was what kept him connected to a physical body. Its color varied according to the evolutionary level and mission of each person. The fact that it was silver signaled to Zogham and Gregory that he was in an important mission and of high level. The room, which was all white, reflected intense luminosity and the atmosphere lightened. He walked to Julianna, touching Zogham's shoulder for him to step back. He bent over her and whispered in her ear: – My girl, daddy's here. You'll be fine. Daddy loves you very much and Mom as well. She couldn't come, but her heart is with you. – Julianna's face softened and her lips seemed to smile. He rose and walked a few steps from the bed. Addressing Zogham and Gregory, he said:

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