Chapter 20 - In the Dragon Village

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In the Dragon Village

For two days and two nights, fairies and dragons walked almost in silence. The few stops they made were to drink some water and eat some wild fruit, in the case of the fairies, or capture some prey in the case of the dragons.

Never before was heard in Wicnion of a dragon and a fairy sharing the same space. The silence only made clearer the embarrassment of both species with the situation. The fairies had been rescued by the dragons, which didn't quite understand why they helped.

- I can't continue... – one of the fairies said as she fell to the ground.

The thud of her body against the floor was barely heard when her companions surrounded her, trying to help her up.

- I'm sorry; go on without me. I don't want to slow you down or put you at risk.

- You heard her! – Said one of the dragons. – Come on! The faster we reach the village, the greater our chance to avoid an ambush.

Dragons continued walking, but the fairies didn't move from their place. Moghes, the leader of the dragons, flew over the others and landed in front of the group, forcing them to stop.

- Hold! Let me talk to Priestess before we go.

There was a rumble and some heads were negatively shaken releasing hot puffs.

- Why do we have to help them? They are insignificant beings! – One of the dragons cried. – What do we gain by helping them?

- Yes, you're right! Help them exposes us to the King! Now, we will be persecuted because he knows we've interfered! – Said another angry dragon.

Moghes let out a loud cry.

- Shut up! I told you it was a request from god Dacron! He assumed his Dragon form and said it was important that we helped! Furthermore, who do you think sent the Giants to surround us? – And before leaving, Moghes gave one last order. – Now, wait here! I'll talk to the Priestess of the fairies and then we can continue.

Moghes looked at Prie who nodded her head. Both departed from the group so they could talk without being overheard. Fairies to one side, dragons to the other. Wounded on both sides.

- What do you want to talk to me about? – The Priestess asked.

- I don't know exactly. – Moghes answered truthfully. – Maybe I only want to buy time.

The size difference between the two creatures was huge. The journey was harder on the fairies. Dragons went on walking while the fairies followed flying close to them, striving to accompany them.

- Tell me, what exactly happened for the dragons to come help us? – Prie placed herself on a large stone to be able to look Moghes in the eye.

- Six days ago, I woke up with the image of the god Dacron before me. I got up quickly to revere him, but he interrupted me saying that there was no time for it.

Prie sat down to listen to him; she was also bone tired.

- And what did he say?

- He asked me to watch closely and then I noticed that his warrior form was turning into dragon. Then he said: "See, I'm a dragon like you." At the time, I didn't understood why he had done it.

- Have you ever seen him like that? – Prie asked helpful.

- No. I had never seen him as a dragon.

- And he explained?

- Yes. He said, "I want you to understand that what I ask you, I ask you as a dragon and not as your god". – Moghes interrupted the narrative as if searching for the memory the exchange to convey exactly the dialogue word for word. – And that's when he said that the dragons should help the village of fairies. I didn't believe that. – Moghes apologized right after realizing his rudeness. – Don't get me wrong.

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