Chapter 11 - To the Provisional Colony

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To the Provisional Colony

- Are we there yet? – Julianna was impatient.

- Not for a while. – Zogham didn't want to lie again.

- How long? – And analyzing the symbols and images of the panel, she pointed to one that had the image of a flower – What is this one for?

- Don't touch anything! – Zogham held Julianna's hand.

- Hey! – She pulled back her hand and grimaced – I wasn't going to! I was just pointing at it! – Julianna insisted on the question – And you haven't told me how long.

- This flower leads to the hanging garden. And stop asking. You can't make a connection between Earth time and the time here! – He spoke in a scolding tone like a parent talking to a child.

- Why not? – She continued to insist as a stubborn child.

- No questions. – He replied firmly.

Julianna made another face and repeated Zogham's phrase trying to imitate him.

- No questions. That sucks!

- You shouldn't talk like that. – He said reproachfully.

- Why? If I behave badly I'm going to Hell? – She spoke sarcastically.

- You are behaving like a child. – He didn't know what to do to decrease her anxiety.

- And what will you do?

- We arrived! – Zogham gave a relieved sigh. He didn't like the direction the conversation was taking.

- At last! – She celebrated.

The multi-condoctor's door opened and before them was a tubular corridor, where a trail of light was on. Zogham held Julianna's hand and both let themselves to be taken by the treadmill. She looked back curiously, but there was nothing to be seen. The corridor was metallic, cold and impersonal, but she was amazed by the light under her feet, looked like she was floating. They were nearing the end of it when a door began to open slowly. On the other side, there was a wide room with high ceiling and austere decor. Large paintings with gold frames occupied the entire wall on the left; each had an image of someone. However, looking more closely, Julianna realized that not everyone seemed human. She paused for a moment trying to understand one of the faces. To her eyes, the face could be compared to a werewolf. Zogham commented:

- They are all former directors of Provisional Colony. Except for that painting over there. – He pointed to the first frame, which was in the center of the wall high above all others. It was a very clear face; it seemed made of pure light, small black eyes, no nose and thin lips. – He was the founder of the colony, a Sublime.

- A what? – Another word she didn't understand – you have very strange functions here. My father is an Energizer, and now this, a Sublime!

Zogham explained patiently.

- A Sublime is the fusion of two beings united by the most pure and sincere love. Two souls that complement each other and unite forever.

Julianna was thoughtful, admiring the frame and processing the explanation.

- Oh, to be honest, I remember that term. There was a book about it in the store where I bought the travel guide. – Julianna remembered the book with the "prophet" on the cover.

But her attention was soon diverted to the ceiling, from which hung a huge chandelier with hundreds of lamps. Zogham pulled her by the hand and, as they walked, she saw that they approached a young woman behind a wooden table carved with many details, as well as the chair in which she sat. She looked the same age as Julianna and was very exotic, with a fine nose and extremely small ears. She had a sweet fragrance, pleasant. As she got up and put her hands on the table, Julianna noticed that her fingers were longer than they should be, as was her neck, from which hung a silver chain with a badge. In it was written "Adália Kuanna – Receptionist". With a gentle smile, that showed slightly her bright and symmetrically straight teeth without fangs, she addressed them:

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