Chapter 18 - Zogham's summoning

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Zogham's summoning

Zogham walked by the Special Courses Sector N1-2 looking for auditorium 4, but it looked like it didn't exist. He had received a draft for training to be taught by Master Carama, however, the sector found itself absolutely desert and with only three rooms. Seeing approaching the time of the event and without having anyone to turn to for guidance, Zogham climbed the ramp to the auditoriums again and thought that perhaps there could have been an error in the message. He looked down the hall and tested the door on his left putting his hand over it, but nothing happened. Then he repeated the gesture with the door on his right, but the result was equally frustrating. Finally, he walked toward the door for the auditorium 3, located down the hall, to test it too, but nothing happened again.

- Am I mistaken? – He told himself. – I'm sure I memorized the day, time and place correctly. What do I do now?

In the center of the hall was a clock attached to the ceiling. Zogham returned a few steps and looked up. In less than a minute, the training should begin and he was just there, standing like an idiot, not knowing what to do. His eyes accompanied the hands of seconds while he counted down mentally. Until the clock struck 4411 and something began to happen.

- But what...?

Zogham looked forward and saw a door halfway down the corridor with a sign reading auditorium 4. He walked towards it and realized it was a portal, as it was not attached to anything and behind it, there was only the rest of the corridor. He put his hand on it and felt he was being scanned for identification. Then the door opened and he entered falling into the deepest darkness.

- Hey! What is going on?

Zogham tried to scream, but noted that his voice didn't come out.

- Calm down. – He told himself – I need to stay calm. I'm behaving like a beginner.

He began to analyze the situation and found himself strange. He couldn't move. He wasn't even able to feel his own form. He tried to touch himself, but didn't feel his hands. He tried to blink and it was as if he had no eyes. All he could do was think.

- Hello!? Is someone here?

- Hello Zogham, why are you so agitated?

- Master Carama? Is that you? What is this place? – Consciously, he felt safer.

- Yes, it's me, Zogham. We are in the auditorium 4. Didn't you see the sign on the door?

- Sir, I mean no disrespect but this here is unlike any auditorium I've ever seen and I would like to know what happened to me.

- This is what you are. We are like this. – Master Carama's voice was as if a part of Zogham's thought itself.

- What? – He was getting more and more confused.

- We have no form Zogham. The only real thing in us is the thought.

- But how can my form disintegrate like that? Where did the energy that keeps it go? – He wondered if Master Carama was there or only his voice was conveyed to him.

- Your energy is compressed into yourself. And I'm here too.

- Are you reading my mind?

- I'm reading you. – Master Carama said naturally.

- Please, explain to me what's going on. The message said there was a training.

- Zogham, you are being invited to join a great mission, the most important of your existence. However, refusing or accepting it, we can't take the risk of leakage of this information. Whatever is said here will be locked in your mind until the moment of revelation, in case you accept it.

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