Chapter 19 - The Black Room

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The Black Room

Upon learning that the Wolf Army had failed to capture a single fairy, Queen Zerda decided to return to her kingdom, definitely rejecting King Rufus' marriage proposal. She shouted around the corridors of the castle boasting of the incompetence of General Signatus. She beated the slaves demanding that her belongings were accommodated back in the chests and transport prepared for her immediate return. The King, annoyed by the hysterical behavior of the Queen, tried to calm her; however, all he could do was leave her even angrier.

- My beloved, control yourself; let's talk about it. – The King said in an attempt to convince her to stay.

- I will not control myself and don't keep saying that following me around! I feel betrayed for the second time. – She snapped.

- That isn't true! – He tried to justify himself – The first time, the poor wretch fell exhaust and I just cutted off her wings because... – but the King didn't continue, repenting what he had said.

- Are you implying that the fault for the mediocrity of that being is mine? – The Queen gave the King a firing look. – I came here to be offended?!

- That's not what I meant my dear. – The King tried to apologize.

- But that's exactly what you said!

- There must be some way for me to redeem myself, provisionally, until we can invest a new attack against the fairies. I told you we didn't expect an alliance between fairies and dragons. – King said it almost to himself, pausing and reflecting on it.

The Queen sat down and remained silent for a moment, admiring her own image in the mirror.

- You're right. Unfortunately, I have to agree with what you said. An alliance between dragons and fairies is something totally inexplicable. Dragons have always been reserved; some even leave the band to become lonely mercenaries. They don't make alliances. – Queen Zerda scratched the tip the nail claw on mirror, creating a loud noise.

King shrank slightly because of the sound, but soon composed himself.

- I offered you ten soldiers so you can do with them whatever you want.

- I don't want soldiers to torture or kill; I want fairies! – The Queen made a face and looked at the King through his reflection in the mirror. – You promised me as bridal gift!

- My beloved, I will fulfill the promise I made, I only ask you a little more time. Now, we have to mount another strategy! – He approached the Queen from behind and put his hands on her shoulders. They both looked at reflection in the mirror. – Accept the soldiers for now.

- No! I prefer to wait for you to fulfill your promise. – And with eyes half-closed while staring at him the Queen took his hands off her shoulders. – How do you plan to do it, now that the fairies have taken refuge with the dragons? No one can enter their village!

- The giants are our allies and we have some dragons on our side!

- Oh, giants? What they have in size they lack in brains! – The Queen snorted – And treacherous dragons lose their access to the village.

- Our scientists are also working on it. No people is more technologically advanced in Wicnion than the wolves! – The vain King said.

- Bullshit! Not all our technology is able to overcome the dragons' knowledge of manipulating energy!

The King was preparing to argue the point when one of his counselors entered the room with the pained look, giving them a quick bow.

- King Rufus, forgive me for interrupting you, but I need to talk to you immediately!

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