Chapter 11 - How could you

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I just stood there and stared at the screen of Conor's phone. I had just seen what I never wanted to see, Dylan being with another girl at the same time he was with me. The thing he had promised would never happen because I was different but he just said the same thing to that other girl. Conor was right, I should never have believed him. Tears fell down my cheeks and my heart was broken.

"Ash... Are you okay?" Conor asked worriedly.

I shook my head and sobbed.

"It's okay, just let it all out" He said and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I... I can't believe he lied to me and that he hasn't changed. I should have believed you over him because you're my best friend" I said and hugged him back.

"It's okay, he blinded you with his charm and I guess that's why it always works for him to get girls. I mean most girls in our school knows he's a player but yet are all in love when he wants to date them..." Conor said and continued to hug me.

We hugged for a while and I calmed myself down. I loved Conor's hugs, being inside of his arms made me feel really safe and like nothing could ever hurt me. I slowly pulled away from the hug and looked up at him.

"You're right... I should just have known better... But great first relationship I got, I'm just happy I didn't had my first kiss with him. I'm breaking up with him tomorrow" I said.

"You'll get a better relationship soon and that's good. The only thing thay matters is that you have a soulmate somewhere in world who you haven't met yet so the best is infront of you" He said and smiled.

"Yeah that's true. I'm one asshole closer to finding my mr perfect" I said and smiled back.

I couldn't help but think that I already have met my soulmate and that he's right infront of me. I really feel that Conor belongs with me and not Erica. He always has my back and after all this drama with Dylan my crush on him is even bigger than before.

It was now the next day and me and Conor just arrived in school. We opened our lockers and took out our books for the first period. All of a sudden someone wrapped their arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek.

"Hi babe!" I heard Dylan say and I turned around to face him.

"Don't call me babe!" I said and glared at him.

"What? But you're my girlfriend" He said.

"Well not anymore" I said.

"Why not? I haven't done anything to you" He said.

"Yes you have! I know you're seeing another girl and you went out with her yesterday! Conor saw you two" I said and crossed my arms.

"That is not true! He's just making it up because he's jealous and wants you for himself" he said.

"He's not making it up and we've got proof!" I say and looks over at Conor.

"Yeah we have, watch this!" Conor said and showed Dylan the video on his phone.

"What the! Okay fine but you can't blame me because look at her. She's a british model with the sexiest accent!" Dylan said.

"Oh I'm blaming you because you cheated on Ash and that's not okay! Remember what I said before? You hurt her and I'll hurt you" Conor said and was about to attack Dylan.

"Hey Conor stop! It's not worth it" I said and got in between them.

"Okay I can't stand this anymore. I have my hot model girlfriend so fine go and be with that loser who clearly wants you" Dylan said, looked at Conor and walked away.

I looked after him and then at Conor. What did Dylan mean by that Conor clearly wants me? He doesn't want to be something more than friends right? And also he as a girlfriend already.

"Well that was it. Now I can live an asshole free life again" I said and sighted.

"You're better off without him anyways" Conor said.

"I know... And thanks for having my back. You're the best friend I could ever have asked for" I said and smiled.

"No problems, I'd do anything for you. Let's go to class now" Conor said and I nodded.

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