chapter one

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*no one's pov*

Everyday, the house full with warmness, loves, comfortness, smiles, laughs but now, it's full with coldness, sadness, unloves, sorrows and gloomness.

Yesterday the sun shone it's brightness brightly but today, the clouds carried away the light and brought the darkness instead as if they understand the conditions.

Yesterday, friends and relatives came bring souvenirs, happiness and their smile with but today they came bring a sorrow feelings, sadness and tears with them.

Yesterday, people came with coloured-clothes but today they came with black clothes.

Yesterday a girl calling her grandmother with happiness and hugged her grandmother tightly but today she's calling her grandmother with a sadness overwhelmed and still hug her grandmother tightly as if she doesn't want to let the person she loves the most go away from her.

But she knows well, she have to. She have to let her go.

All of the friends and relatives felt sympathy but they do know they can't do anything about it. It's time to let her rest in peace.

A hand touched the girl's shoulder slowly. "Don't touch me!" That girl harshly pulled her shoulder away from that hand. "Junbyul honey, you can't be like this. We have to let her go" a woman who touched the Junbyul girl's shoulder spoke up.

"You can let her go, but not me. She's the only family that I have." that Junbyul girl rudely said gritting her teeth. "Kim Junbyul, please respect your mother" the husband of the woman earlier spoke sternly. "Surprisingly, you know my full name. Wow" that girl chuckled bitterly.

"Mother my ass" she mumbled. The both parents gasped but they can't do anything for it.


*JB's pov*

"It's been a week though" Hanbin spoke up. "You can't live here all along Jb-ah" he faced me. I didn't look back. I do know what is his intention. "What? You mean I can't take care of myself? Halmeoni had already taught me on how to survive though. You can pay me a visit too. Your home is just the next of ours" I coldly look into his eyes.

He sighed deeply. Inhaling the fresh air. "I know but this house fulls with halmeoni's memories. I know you too well Jb-ah. You can't survive without halmeoni" he approached me. "I can Kim Hanbin. I know I can" tears started to fall from my eyes.

"You need to leave Junbyul" he rarely used my real name though. I look up into his stares again and his stares really different. "I don't want. Where else should I stay if it's not here Hanbin-ah?" I wiped my tears.

I must be tough. If halmeoni know I'm crying she must be very sad. "You have your parents" he slowly mumbled. I chuckled bitterly. "You are my one and only bestfriend that I have. You know me well. More from me myself. You know I will never gonna live with the person who throw me away just to make sure their son lives comfortably" I smile weakly.

It's true afterall, both of my parents leave me living with halmeoni just because they want Junmyeon oppa to live comfortably and without me disturbing him. Hilarious. But being a good mom and grandmother halmeoni is, she accepted me with all of her heart and her smiles never left her face wherever I called her out.

Starting from that time, I hate them. My parents. Or should I say Junmyeon oppa's parents. "Yes, you are right Jb. But your condition right now doesn't suit the hatred you have for your parents. Your parents had already talked to me since I am one of your guardian right now, I said yes to them to bring you back to Seoul and living with your brother" Hanbin sighed.

I couldn't believe this. "What the heck Hanbin?!" I sat up harshly. "Your brother willingly to let you live with him. It's better than living with your parents isn't it?" He looks guilty. But that still aren't the good decisions. He can't ordering me around!

"I hate you!" I spatted into his face. "I know but this is the best that I could do for you Jb. Your parents want you to live with them but I disagreed. Then, they suggest on letting you to live with your brother" Hanbin hold both of my shoulders.

"Hanbin you are sucks" I growled. "I know but I promised halmeoni to protect you" he hug me and I tried to break free but being the most stronger Hanbin, I'll never win over him. "You aren't protecting me, you're destroying me" I yelled.

"One day you'll know why did I do this" he sighed again before he himself break free from the hug.

I can't believe he did this to me.


*JB's pov*

I remember at all of the memories everytime I pass everything that resembles to halmeoni. "Halmeoni, why are you leaving me like this?" I whispered softly not wanting the tears that threatening to fall down fall like stream of river.

"Junbyul-ah we need to go now" the person who I hate to call as my mom called me out. "Don't call me Junbyul. You didn't deserves to call me that. I'll appreciate it if you can call JB instead" I said as I walked pass her.

I look at Hanbin who stood there beside the car that will drive me away from halmeoni and mine's memories together like a statue looking very sad, guilty and unwilling to let me go combined in his self.

I can't hate him too long since he is the best friend ever and I do know he did all this for my own sake. "I hate you but I still love you buddy" I hug him as the hot liquid fell down from my eyes. "I love you too girl. Promise you'll contact me as soon you arrive at your brother's place and don't forget to stay in touch with me" he said. His voice cracked.

"I promise" I replied shortly before I get inside the car. As the car drove away, Hanbin waving at me and me too until the both of us didn't found each other silhoutte anymore. I heaved a sighed.

"Junbyul- -" "I said don't call my name" I cutted her words. The person who I should call her my mom. "Alright alright" she sighed. "Jb-ah, you're going to live with your brother. We're going to send you to his dorm" she said. "Obviously" I muttered slowly.

"And your brother is living with his band members too. You're going to live with them" she said again. "What?! You're going to put me in with a bunch of boys?! Are you crazy?!" I yelled. I do know that my brother is an idol and he is in a group named Exo but I do not know how many of them though which mean I don't care at all.

"You doesn't want to live with us right? So the right place you can live in is in your brother's shared dorm. Junmyeon had already agreed too" the so-called-father spoke. I scoffed.

So they want me to really live with a bunch of boys? Unbelievable.

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