chapter 26

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*Junbyul's pov*

"Wakey wakey sleepy head! It's morning now!!" Someone shouted and pull the curtains making the sun shone bright onto my face. I groaned at the facts I don't like to wake up like this.

"Yah. Pull it back. I'm blind" I said to whoever that pull the curtains up. I don't give a shit to who it is. I need my sleep. "You still didn't change aren't you?" That someone sighed before shooking my whole body harshly. "Wake up Kim Junbyul!" That person shouted.

"Alright alright" I groaned before I sat up fully on my bed just to be eyes wide opened at the face infront of me. "Baek oppa!" I shrieked. "Why? Surprise to see me?"he rised up his left eyebrow.

"What- -" "no more talking missy. Wake up and clean yourself. The guys made breakfast for you. Come straight downstairs after you finish clean up okay" he patted my head lightly before he get out from my room.

What just happened?

The guys?


"What are you guys doing in my house?" I'm totally shocked to see those three dorks who happening were cleaning my kitchen after preparing the breakfast. Three dorks I mean Baek oppa, Kai and of course, evil maknae Oh Sehun.

"I don't recalled having you guys in my house yesterday" I said again before being crushed into a bear hug by the three of them. "Yah! I can't breath idiot!" I yelled.

"Mian but we missed you!" Baek oppa released me and the other two also. "We totally miss you so much!" Sehun pull me into another hug. "Yah! You guys still didn't answer my question yet!" I shouted. "We just arrived last night. Kinda late. You were asleep last night. Fast asleep to be exactly" Kai shrugging his shoulder.

"How did you guys got in? Mind to explain?" I asked the three of them as I put my hands on my hips. "Hanbin helped us" Sehun said. "That kid. I'm going to chop his head down" I mumbled under my breath. How dare him to let these dorks entered my house.

"He's not at fault Junbyul-ah. We miss you so much" Baek oppa's cheery face suddenly shattered replacing by a sad expression. "We all miss you" Kai added.

"It's may be Suho hyung's fault and you ran away but please don't treat us like we do wrong too. The other hyungs miss you so much you know" Sehun sighed.

"Mianhae guys for treating you guys badly and for running away from that house but if you guys want me to come back to that house with you guys, it's a no. I'm sorry. I'm not ready yet to come back home" I heaved a deep sigh.

"It's okay! We can wait!" Baek oppa grinned. Feeling happy I guess. "At least we all can take a break from school right?" Kai snobbishly spoke. "Yeah! And we have so much time to spend with Jb noona" Sehun cheered.

"W-wait! You guys are staying?!" I stared at them with wide eyes. "Of course! Just the four of us!" Baek oppa excitedly said.

"Now let's eat because I'm hungry" Kai dragged the all of us to the dining table to start digging the food that the three of them had prepared.

"This is going to be a long day indeed" I uttered under my breath.


"Yah Hanbin-ah!" I hit his shoulder hard. "Ouch! What was that for?" He rubbing continuosly at the place I hit him. Well, don't judge my strength.

"I know that you know how did those dorks know where I'm staying" I glared. "I tell them" he said coolly.

He what?!!!

"Yah! How could you?!" I hit him repeatedly. "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Stop it idiot!" He yelled. "I did that for your best! They need to know where did you stay. How can that be wrong" he frowned. I didn't say anything because I might be burst any second.

"Once you are our sister, forever you will" I look at my back just to see Kai leaning over the wall maybe eavesdropping our conversation. "Kai" Hanbin nodded. "You can't continue to run away like this forever princess" Kai approaching me. "The others need you. Your brother does" I snickered hearing my brother does? Hah.


"Okay, that's fine if you don't want to believe part of your 'brother', but we does. The hyungs miss you" Kai deepen the word brother.

"Just let me think about it first" I sighed. I mean, I miss them too! But you know, I am an easy person to get hurt easily. I am sensitive! Don't judge but sure I am such that person. I hate people that can't trust me and in this case, it's my own brother. Epic.

"Guys I got a phone call from a friend. Need to go" Hanbin showed us his phone and waved before he left me all alone with Kai. Silent were all I can here for some minutes.

"I miss you twin" Kai nudging me as we both now sat down on one of the bench that once were created by me and haelmeoni at our backyard. "I miss you too Kai" I nudged him back.

"You know, the truth has been revealed" Kai smile at me. "Those bitches being captured by one of student councils a few days after you ran away. That person eavesdropped their conversation about that incident and the principal called Xiumin hyung to apologize" he spoke.

"We aren't shock at all because we trust you babe" he chuckled. "I love you guys for that for sure" I sighed.

"Junbyul-ah, what's here that we can do?" Baekhyun oppa asked as soon as he came out from the toilet. "Well, how about we all go to the beach?" I looked at him. "Sounds good though since all of us have been so itching to go to the beach" Kai spoke.

"Kkaja!" Baekhyun oppa grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. "Wait! Sehunnie!" Baekhyun oppa stopped. "Junbyul-ah"Bakehyun oppa looked at me for a moment.

"Can you please wake Sehun up?"

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