chapter 9

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*Jb's pov*

The sun shone brightly through the opened window. "Good morning you two. Wake up!" I heard someone brightly spoke. And I already know who is he. "Luhan" I groaned. But then I heard someone else groans too.

I look up just to see Junmyeon oppa stretching his arms. I slepr on his laps! "Oppa mianhae! I make you slept like that" I quickly got up and apologised. I make him slept in sitting position.

"Hey, it's okay sweetie" he pinched my cheeks lightly. "Yah! Don't be too lovey dovey you two. I'm still here you know. "Jb-ah, ppali wa. You have school today sweatheart~~" Luhan spoke like a mother who's singing to her child.

"School? But I'm still not recover yet" I whined. Junmyeon oppa touched my forehead. "No. You're already fully recovered. You need to go to school today. Get ready and I'll send you" he pecked my forehead. "Dae" I said uninterested. With that, Junmyeon oppa went out from my room.

"Looks like you two had already in a good siblings relationship now" Luhan smiling at me. "Dae!" I sweetly smiling back at him. "Whoah, what with this bright side of you?" He looks shocked. I just laughed at how he looks like.

"Tch. Crazy dongsaeng. Get ready. Xiumin hyung had already prepared breakfast" he went out.

"And yeah! Lay will tidy up your room because he lose the bet yesterday" Luhan shouted. "They even play children's game for real life duties" I shooked my head in disbelief.

I stood up and went in the bathroom to get ready. Lucky for me, the boys really treat me like a princess. They did most of my work. Sometimes, I felt bad because I treated them like a stranger while they all treat me like their little sister and older sister for Sehun though.

After I done with myself, I went out from the room and headed to the kitchen. "Morning jagiya~" Chanyeol greeted me. "Morning Chanyeol" I greeted back and took a seat beside him as he excitedly patting the seat beside him.

He even smiling proudly when I sat beside him. He surely such a weird guy. "Where's the others?" I asked D.O who abruptedly took the seat infront of me. "Kris hyung send them to school first. Suho hyung will send us" D.O smile at me.

"Jb-ah, how are you feeling this morning?" Baekhyun asked while eating his breakfast. "Yah! Don't talk while eating hyung" Tao muttered. "I'm feeling good though and is Sehun go to school today?" I asked randomly. "He still didn't fully well yet. It will only be the two of us in the class though" Kai spoke.

"Poor maknae" I sighed.
"Guys, hurry up please. Baby sis have you done yet?" Junmyeon oppa asked. "What's with stern tone of voice asking us and sweet tone of voice asking Jb here hyung?" Chanyeol asked. "With baby sis pronounciation" Baekhyun make a face.

"So what? I have to be serious with the all of you so that you guys will not take an advantages on my little sister" he glared to every of his left members. Every of them gulped like a scaredy cat.

"Oppa, you make them scared" I chuckled. "Omo! You finally called him oppa!" Kai excitedly beamed. "Hey, that's unfair. You only call him oppa. What about us?" Baekhyun pouted. "Yeah, what about us?" Tao agreed with Baekhyun.

"It's rude though by calling us with our name since we are all older than you except for Kai and Sehun" D.O look at me. "Yeah" all of them said in unision except Junmyeon oppa.

I look at Junmyeon oppa's face. "What? It's up to you baby sis" he patted my head lightly. "Alright, alright" I sighed.

"I'll try my best" I put my fist on the air.

#fast forward#

"I'll pick you up later okay" Junmyeon oppa pecked on my forehead. "Dae" I brightly chirped. "Wow, new side of Jb" Kai feeling amused. "Kkaja" D.O pulled my wrist and all of us went in the school. The girls gave a jealousy looks and some of them bowed respectly toward us.

"You know, I still confused on that day when the girls who bullied me came to me and apologised" I whispered near Kai's ear. "Ask Suho hyung about that though" he put a smirk on his face. Ok, this make me even more confuse.

"Hey, we've arrived. Meet you guys at lunch hour" D.O released my wrist. "Dae. See you soon oppa" I smile sweetly. "That's better though" D.O gave me a lovely smile. "Hey, what about me?" Tao pouted. "See you soon Tao oppa" I faced him.

"How about us?" Baekhyun and Chanyeol both asked me. "See you soon Baekhyun oppa and Chanyeol oppa" I said to them too. They really looks cute.

"Anni. That's not right. It supposed to be Chanyeol jagiya" Chanyeol shooked his head. I gave him a look while Kai hit Chanyeol's head. "Hey! I am more older than you!"

"But not me" Baekhyun hit him on the head too. "Geez guys" Chanyeol look at his friends with unbelievable expression.

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