chapter 11

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*Junbyul's pov*

I walked downstairs as I heard the silent air passing beside me. "Where's everyone?" There's no one in the hall that held all of our rooms altogether. "Oppas? Sehun-ah! Kai-ah?" I called for everyone. Seriously, the hall really is dead like there's no one in this house.

"Maybe they are all in the living room or the kitchen" I make my self-consumption. "Op- -" "Don't shout. You're a lady not a pig" someone spoke. I know who it is.

"Aish Kris oppa where are the others? I thought there's no one" I said as I lay down my butt beside him on the huge couch as he is watching a chinese movie. "Oh, they are all had some errands to do except for me and Sehun" he said didn't look at me. His eyes still glued on the television.

"What are you watching and where's Sehun?" I asked as my eyes glued on the television too. "First, I'm watching my favourite chinese movie titled Never Gone and second thing is, Sehun is upstairs. He still didn't feel very well. He is still sick" he answered my question one by one.

"This movie is so cliche, let me take a look on the maknae" I got up and started walking to Sehun's room. "Maknae yah" I knocked on his door. "Come in noona" I heard his weak voice. He's badly sick. "Gwenchana?" I asked as soon as I stepped in his room.

"Anniya. My head is spinning like hell" he said with his eyes closed. "Poor you" I put my palm on his forehead. "Aigooo! Your temperature is so high!" I whined. "Wait here. I'll come back" I ran out from his room to the kitchen.

"Why are you running?" Kris oppa asked as he noticed my sillhoute in the kitchen. "Because I want to grab a bowl of water and towel for Sehun. His temperature is so high" I replied him stiil focusing on the item that I want to get.

With what I have, I quickly run back to Sehun's room. "Sehun-ah ireona" I said to him so that I can wipe his upper body with wet towel. "Sehun-ah" I shook his body. His temperature increasing. It is so hot!

"Hey, Sehun-ah. Wake up" I shook his body. He soon sit up properly with his back resting on the headboard of the bed. "Can you take your shirt off? I wipe your upper body with this" I showed him the towel and warm water that I brought with when I came in earlier.

As soon as I look at him, my face turn into a big red tomato. I am so sure he can see this because a weak smirk appear on his face. He is shirtless is the first one, his amazing abs is the second one.

God he is too sexy! "Uhm....I'm gonna wipe it now" I cleared my throat. He chuckled looking at my face. "You are so cute noona" he said with his smile placing his weak smirk earlier. "Am not" I replied him shortly as I didn't look at his body but instead I look at the towel that I spread on his sexy body.

"You won't admit it but I can say it" he spoke. "Just shut up Oh Sehun, you are sick. Just let me finish this, I'll give you your medicine and I'll go out from this room and you will be sleeping" I said sternly. "That's no fun" he whined. I ignored him and continued my work.

"Eat this" I gave him his meds and a glass of plain water. "I don't want" he said. "Yah Oh Sehun. Eat it" I dagger my stares into his eyes. "Fine" he sighed. After he ate the meds, I got up and was about to walk out from his room when he reached out to my hand and grabbed my wrist.

"Wae? Do you want anything else?" I asked looking at his pale yet handsome face. "Stay here noona. Please?" He begged me for it. At a second thought, I found him so cute. Well, he is so cute.

"Fine. I'll stay" I sit back beside him. He immediately lay his head on my laps. "Yah what are you doing?" I asked trying to get his head out of my laps. "I'm resting my head on the best pillow ever" he said with his goofy smile on his face. I didn't say anything as I just let him be.

After like fifteen minutes, I heard a soft snores from him. A smile plastered on my face as I look at his beautiful face. Without my brain's knowing, my hand gently stroke his hair lovingly that make his face grew softer. Looking at him like this, makes my heart beat fast. I then stopped carressing his hair as I touch my chest where my heart is. Why is my heart beat so fast like this?

"Noona, why did you stop? Continue stroking my hair. I like it" he grab my wrist gently and placing my palms on his hair assuring me to continue. That steps literally didn't help to easying my heart beat pace. It gone wild and makes my palms sweating like hell.

It doesn't make me feel easy but at the same time it's make me feel cozy to be around him like this. What is this feelings?

Soon enough, I felt my eyelids heavier as the moment past. I saw black after that.

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