chapter 27

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*Junbyul's pov*

I walked to the guest room where Sehun fell asleep at. I slowly peeked through the door only watching on how tired the maknae is. I approached him quietly. "Sehun-ah" I slowly poked his side. "Yah, maknae" I poked harder.

"Oh Sehun get your ass up!" I hit his arm hard. "Hey lil boy get up ppali!" I groaned. Aishh why is it so hard to wake a boy up!

Out of a sudden, my body's being dragged into a warm embrace. "S-sehun ah, w-what are y-you doing?" I stuttered while I kinda felt my heat rised on my face.

" I may be the maknae but not a lil boy" I can felt his chest vibrated from behind my back as he backhugging me. I can felt his warm breath on my neck too. "Y-yah what are you doing?!" I tried to break free. He suddenly kissed my neck and got up real quick leaving me frozen on the bed. "Pretty" he chuckled while looking at my red face.

Did he just kiss me?! Kiss my neck?!!

"Yah! What did you just do?!" My eyes widened and the red on my face didn't bother to fade away. "Chill woman, why did you woke me up?" He asked innocently. I really felt like wanna rub his face onto the hard floor and throw away that smug face of him.

"Baek oppa and Kai want to go to the beach. Baek oppa tell me to woke you up" I glared at him. "Oh! Beach! I'll go wash my face first. Thanks noona for waking me up!" He teased me again by pecking my left cheek before he ran away to the bathroom.

"Oh Sehun!!"


"Do you really are going to swim?" I asked the boys. Are they freaking crazy?! It's cold af!! "Sehun and Kai shook their head but pointing their point fingers toward Baekhyun oppa. "What? It's not that cold though" Baekhyun oppa said shrugging. Let's see if the water aren't that cold enough.


"Ahhh!! Cold! Cold!" He ran out from the water to the surface. "I thought so" I rolled my eyes at him. It's not summer where we can go swim though. It's freaking autumn and it's windy! Of course it's cold. Dorks.

I looked at the other two. "We just want to stroll along the beach" Kai said like he just read my mind while Sehun sheepishly smiling down at me. Weird dorks I've ever met. EVER.

"Let's go back home. We don't want Baekhyun oppa fall sick" I sighed dragging Baek oppa who shivering like hell. It's autumn and he want to swim!

The other two trailing behind me like children that follow their mommy to get some cookies when they get back home.

What can I do with these dorks anyway?

"I regret walking into the water" Baek oppa groaned as he took a seat on the couch while holding a box of tissue. He catch a cold. Serve him right.

"I already told you" I crossed my arm. "It's autumn hyung, how can you imagine on swimming?" Kai scoffed at his hyung.

"Says the people who want to join him at first" I smirked looking at Kai who was glaring at me. "What's with the glare? You want to swim too" I looked at him. He just rubbed the back of his neck. "You two are both idiot" Sehun came out from the kitchen with some snacks.

"Yah!" Both Baek oppa and Kai shouted at the maknae. "Including you Sehun. Three idiots" I chuckled.


"Can you guys please help me here?" I groaned at scene infront of me. The boys didn't help me to cook at all. They just laying down on the couch lazily while watching boring stuff on the tv.

No response.

"Okay then, no meals for you guys" I sighed continue my works. "Urghhh Sehun go and help her!" Baek oppa push Sehun away from the living room. "Yeah noona. What can I help you with?" Sehun's footsteps can be heard from miles.

*dup dap dup dap dup dap*

My heart beats wildly. Oh no, wrong move Junbyul. Wrong move. "O-oh, c-can you chop d-down the v-vegetables?" I stuttered. Damn! He must put some poison on me! "Dae!" He happily chopped down the vege and passed it to me when he done.

"Anything else?" He asked looking at me. Intensely, my cheeks turn out to be so red and that's no good to me. No good! "Uhmm" I tried to look anywhere else except his face. God what does he do to me to being like this?

"There's nothing else. You can just go and chill with the other" I said ignoring his stares. "Oh come on, you asked for a help and you only need someone to chop down the vege? Only that? There must be something else you need help with" he chuckled.

"There's no" I glared at him. "Fine, I'll just watch you cook from here" he said while sat down on the kitchen stool. Way more wrong. I sighed.

What have you done to me Oh Sehun?

*Sehun's pov*

I looked at her from the back. She looks too cute to be ignored. "S-stop s-staring a-at me l-like that" she stuttered. Awww, my girl is stuttering.

My girl?

My girl.....

That sounds perfect.

"Ouch!" She shouted. I immediately ran to her. She scalped her hand. She touched the hot pot. I held her hand and immediately rinsed it on a cold running water. "Wait here" I said and walked to the fridge and got out and ice pack. Thank god she has the ice pack though.

I stood up behind her and dapping the ice pack onto her scalped hand.

I can saw her face redden at my touch. My hearts beat fasten too. "Why are you so red?" I tried to walk away from the awkward and trying to relax myself being this closer to her.

"N-nothing" she stuttered again. Seriously, her stuttering is the most cute I've ever saw. Ever.

"I t-think its o-okay now. Please g-go towards the o-other" she shushed me. I smile to myself before walking away from her.

I sat down beside Kai hyung. "Done with the lovey dovey?" He asked didn't spare any glance at me. "What are you talking about?" I asked bluntly.

"I've saw everything you dork. I am not stupid" he smirked looking at me.

"When will you confess?" Baek hyung suddenly leaning closed in between me and Kai hyung. "Confess what?" I got pretty annoyed by them. "Don't be silly. We all know you like her. Even the dumbest Lay know about it." Baek hyung scoffed.

"You need to confess immediately or someone else will take her away from your sight" Baek hyung frowned. "And I bet you don't want that to happen" Kai hyung shrugged his shoulder.

"She didn't like me hyung" I sighed. I mean, I do like her but it's not the same to her.

"You ask her already?" Kai hyung asked. I shooked my head. "Then? How would you know she didn't like you? Give it a try bro" Kai hyung patted my shoulder.

"Kai is right. Give it a try and make her fall for you back" Baek hyung leaned away and concentrated on the tv.

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