chapter 12

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*Sehun's pov*

I woke up and felt healthy like usual. Wah, JB noona really is good at handling sick people. I look up just to see an angel sleeping soundlessly. A smile crept on my face by looking at her face.

She's beautiful. I admit it. Her hands that near my face, I grabbed it slowly not wanting to wake her up. It's so soft. I am still looking at her face when suddenly she moved slightly. I quickly closed my eyes acting as if I am still asleep. "Oh, what time is it?" Her voice is so cute.

"Ahhh, that's why I'm hungry. It's evening alreasy. I hope D.O is back" she sighed. "Should I wake him up?" I heard her. "Anni. He need more rest or else there will be only me and Kai in the class on Monday. That's no fun" she slowly removing my head from her laps and she's running out from my room like a little kid who is expecting her mother to be there on the kitchen to give her food.

She's adorable.

*Suho's pov*

"Where's Junbyul?" I asked Kris hyung as she isn't in her room. "She's in Sehun's room. She took care of the maknae" Kris hyung answered. "Oppa" Junbyul came and gave me a quick hug. "Are you hungry?" I asked as I carressing her hair. "Dae. Where's D.O oppa? He didn't cook?" Aishh even my little sister is now in love with D.O's food.

"He's tired. All of the members are all resting in their room. Better to not bothering them" I patted her head. "Let's go to eat oe" she nodded her head. "Kris hyung, you want to join us?" I look over to him. "It's okay. I'm full besides, you guys need that siblings-time. Just buy something for Sehun. He might be sick but he need to eat too eventhough he doesn't want" he spoke.

"Arasseo. Baby-ah, you want to change your clothes?" I asked her. "This should be okay. Let's go oppa. I'm hungry" she held my wrist and drag me out of the house.

Aigoo this kid.

"Junbyul, I need to get this call" I said as I got a call from Lay. "Dae. I'll just wait you here. Anything you want to eat oppa? " She asked. "Whatever you eat, I'll eat" I walked out from the mini cafe to pick up Lay's phone call. But then, someone bumped into me causing my phone clumsily dropped to the ground.

I looked up to see a girl maybe around my age looking a little bit furious at me as her phone too dropped down to the ground but unfortunately for her, her phone dropped onto the dirt. "Can't you see I'm walking?!" She put her hands both on her hips. "I'm so sorry miss but from what I can see, it is you who didn't look at me while walking. So it's not just my fault. It's yours too" I tried my best to speak fully like a gentleman not wanting this missy to think that me somehow is a rude person.

First impression is everyrhing to me.

"You want to blame me? Oh god. You must be kidding" she chuckled but that chuckle really is not the best sound ever as she is very angry. Her face is so red. She's really is furious.

"Okay. I'm sorry. Is that enough?" I don't want to argue with a girl. Seriously? A girl? Nah, I am not going to fight with a girl. It's too embarrassing. "Just a simple sorry? Nah, that's not good enough. My phone is full of damage! I can't use it anymore! What? Do you think I am that rich that I can afford to buy this stupid thing everytime I feel like I want? No mister, I won't. You need to pay for the damage!" Her eyes as big as D.O

Okay, that's scary. "Fine. I'll get you a new phone but not now. I am busy right now. Perhaps I give you my number and then we'll discuss on which brand that you want?" I hope she agree with this. I really hope for that. I need time to be with my sister okay.

And she's waiting for me inside!

"Fine! But make sure this number of yours is not a fake one!" She grabbed my namecard and stormed off like a mad person.

Maybe she is one.

I walked back in the cafe where Junbyul wait for me. "Oh oppa. What did Lay oppa want from you?" She asked. Oh yeah, Lay called me. "I didn't get to pick up his call. I bumped into some girl earlier" I sighed. "Omo! Is it that bad? How was the girl?" She concernly asked.

"She's okay. It's just that her phone broke and I need to pay for it" I gave her a smile. "How about you? Are you okay?" She examine my body. "I'm okay. Nothing is wrong" I assured. "What is that girl's name?" She asked me.

"Ahh, stupid me. I didn't ask her name" I groaned.

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