chapter four

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*Suho's pov*

"Sehun-ah, where's Jb?" I asked Sehun as he's the only one I saw on the living room watching tv. "She's with D.O hyung and Chanyeol hyung. They went out buying snacks" he said. "Wae hyung?" Sehun got up from the couch. "I want to tell her something. That's all" I patted his shoulder before I went in the room that I shared with Chanyeol.

*Jb's pov*

"I think this is more than enough" I told both D.O and Chanyeol. "Uhm. Let's pay and get back to the dorm before the others get worried" Chanyeol nodding.

"Kkaja~" Chanyeol said before taking the plastic bag from me and held it by himself. "Yah I can carry that" I told him. "Anniyo, you are a girl. I can put on weight on you. I can carry this jagiya~" he playfully said.

"You're annoying" I rolls my eyes. "I love you too~" he sang playfully. "Yah!" I went forward to hit his head. Who knows he'll be normal?

"Stop it, stop it. Ahhhhahahaha you guys are so hilarious. Let's go back oe" D.O laughed at the both of us. He held my wrist and we both walk ahead infront of Chanyeol. "Yah! You can't holding hands like that!" Chanyeol pouted. "Why can't I? She's my sister. Right Jb?" D.O look into my eyes and he even smile too. I nodded slowly. A tint of red on my cheeks is now visible.

"She's my sister too!" Chanyeol whined. "Shut up and just bring the groceries home" D.O spoke and we walked home together.

"Jb noona!" Sehun went up to me and hug me. "Yah! What with the hug?" I asked as soon as I pushed him away from me. "Kekekeke. Nothing though. Oh! Suho hyung is looking for you" he grinned. I knock his room's door.

"Come in Jb-ah" I heard his soft voice. "How do you know it's me?" I asked as soon as I went in and closed the door. "Because the boys will never do that" he stated out. "What do you want from me?" I asked forwardly.

"Ahhh about that. I already set you up to go to the same school as the others and that you have the boys to help you with the school" he said patting the seat beside him as a sign to tell me to have a seat. "I don't mind on which school I'll be attend" I exclaimed.

"However, your new uniform is in your room. I already prepared it for you. All of the things that you should bring with to go to school I already prepared it for you. Tomorrow I'll send you to school" he smile. Why did he do this?

"You didn't have to do that. I can do it by myself" I didn't look at him. "I just want to do it for you" he smile again.

I stood up "thank you" I said and walked out from his shared room with Chanyeol.

"Jb-ah, can you help me?" Kai called me out as soon as I got out from Chanyeol and Junmyeon oppa's shared room. "Help you with what?" I asked approaching him. "This. I can't solve it" he scratch his head feeling annoying.

"Math? It's simple. Let me help you twin"I grabbed his pencil.

"Now I am your twin?" He smirked. "You said that before" I smirked back. "Indeed you are my twin" he chuckled. I help him with his math homework. "Done!" I said.

"Jjang" his jawsdropped. "I like math though. So it's not a problem to me. You can just tell me if you had any problem with homework" I winked and walked to my own room. "Gumawpta twinnie!" I heard him shout happily. "Boy" I chuckled because I found him funny.

In my eyes, he and Hanbin got no different. "Ahh I miss that guy though" I sighed. "I should just call him" I dialled his number.

#fast forward#

"Jb-ah, ireona" someone shake my body. "Oh, Xiumin-ssi waeyo?" I rubbed my eyes slowly. "Get up pretty girl, you need to go to school remember?" He said. My eyes shot up. "I quickly got up from the bed and running to the bathroom. "I'll get your bed neat and clean Jb-ah" I heard Xiumin shouted.

As soon as I finished, I walked into the kitchen. There's Sehun, Kai, Tao, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, and Chen wore the same uniform as me. Looks like only them that are still schooling.

"Good morning guys" I make step to the dining table and took a seat beside Kai and Sehun maknae. "Morning Jb/jagiya/noona" they greeted me back. "Where are the others?" I took a spoonful of oat and place it into my mouth then munch it.

"Probably still sleeping but I saw Suho hyung and Xiumin hyung earlier. Both of them will send us all to school" Chen answer me. I nodded. "You guys done?" I heard a voice. It's Xiumin. "I'm done!" Baekhyun stood up. "Me too" Chen, Tao and Chanyeol stood up. "I'll send the four of you. Jb, Kai, Sehun and D.O, Suho will send you guys to school" Xiumin said. "Dae" me and the other three said in unision.

"I hope that you'll be in the same class with me" Kai nudging me. "Hey I want to be in the same class with noona too" Sehun pouted. "Sadly I can't" D.O sighed. "Why not?" I asked him. "I am a year older than you. I'm 1993 liner's"he muttered.

"Ahhh who else in the 1993 liner's?" I asked them. "Just me and Tao. And yeah, we both are in the same class" D.O spoke. "It's only the three of us are in the 1994 liner's though" Kai explained. "Ahh I see" I nodded.

"You guys ready? We don't want you guys to be late right?" Junmyeon oppa said as soon as he grabbed the car keys. "Let's go" Sehun assist. Me and Kai got up, and walked out from the dorm and got in the car.

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