chapter 19

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*Saeron's pov*

Another day of work. Yeah, it's tiring plus boring but what to do? I am not a rich girl nor have a family to support me. I heaved a sigh wondering if one day I'll get to live a happy life, get a family and not worry about money. I really want that life though.

This life I've been living in really make me tired as f*ck. "Saeron-ssi, today our restaurant have been booked by someone. Can you please be their waitress for today?" My manager asked. Bwo? This restaurant had been booked? This restaurant isn't like a high class restaurant though. Who would booked this place. That person might be crazy.

"Dae manager-nim" I bowed slightly. "Good. I'll raise your paid for this month" he smile proudly to me. "Oh kamsahabnida manager-nim" I bowed again as I really being thankful because he'll raise my paid. "You have work so hard Saeron-ssi. It's a reward for you" he smile sweetly and then walk away to the kitchen.

"Maybe being a waitress to a someone who booked this restaurant aren't useless though"


"Saeron-ssi, they are here" my manager said. They? I thought it will only be one person.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm your waitress for today- -" "noona!" My words were cutted off by familiar voices. "Omo!" It's just Exo who booked this whole restaurant. Okay it's not shocking at all. Exo? This restaurant where I work at? Anni, that's not weird. "Ahhh a bunch of weird idol" I sarcastically said earning pouts from every of them.

"Noona" Sehun whining. "I'm just joking" I laugh looking at their faces. "So, what's bring you guys here, booking this whole restaurant? Don't give me bullshit okay, saying that you guys need some privacy" I spoke and that is when I found there's no Suho among of them. "Where is Su-"

My words being cut off when the ten of them suddenly startted backing away and Suho appeared from behind them, holding a bouquet of roses and a red velvet box. My jawsdropped. What is the hell is happening!

"Kim Saeron-ssi, we know each other from the coincidence that always happened between us. From the start we bumped into each other, then when you want me to pay for your new phone and when the time that we met again through my little sister whom is your bestfriend. Started from day one I've already has this weird feelings deep inside for you. You make my heart beating weirdly. As if it has a special song for you" I can sense that he really sincere.

"I have already look at how you treat my sister, and you'll always there for her too. From the way you treat her, I have already made my mind that you are the one and also because I love you so much that I don't want to let you go" he opened up the red velvet box and looking into my eyes intensely.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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