chapter 23

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*Kris's pov*

Heaven. That is the perfect word if there's no schedule for us. And here I am, sitting on our comforting couch while watching my favourite movie.


"Just who the hell is that calling me in this perfect day?" I mumbled lazily while grabbing my phone and pick it up.


"She what?!"

*No one's pov*

Silent filled the whole van. "Oppa"

"You don't need to explain for now Junbyul-ah. I trust you. You must have did it because of a good reason. Let's just all of us go back to the dorm and tell your brother about this" Kris smile reassuring to Jb as the others heaved a relief sigh.

"Kris hyung is right. I trust you" Chen patted the girl's shoulder. "We all do" Chanyeol and Baekhyun said in unision.

"You did a great job though. You punched her square in the face! We really are twin!" Kai excitedly beamed while the others gave him a look. "Okay, maybe that's not too great but still, good job on defencing yourself" Kai cleared his throat.

"I like it though the way you beat her ass up" Tao whispered to her ears.

"We arrived" D.O said.

They all thanked their manager and head to the door. "Junbyul-ah" Xiumin opened the door for them. "Gwenchanayo?" Lay asked worriedly. "I'm okay oppa. Just a little bit tired" Junbyul answered Lay. "Let them in first Lay" Luhan said.

"Take a seat first sweetie. I'll get you ice" Luhan brought Junbyul in first ignoring the others. "How did all of this happened?" Xiumin pulled Kris into his room. "I don't know. I told her to explain when Suho is home but I am prettier sure that she has her own good reason to act like that. I trust her hyung" Kris sighed.

"I know. I trust her too" Xiumin said.

*Junbyul's pov*

"Aigooo look at your face" Luhan oppa treat my wound. "Guys, go ahead wash yourself" Luhan oppa told the others. "Are you really okay?" He asked me again. "I'm fine oppa. Ouch!" He accidently pressed onto my fresh wound at the side of my lips.

*No one's pov*

"Are you feeling excited?" Suho asked Saeron once he picked her up. "Of course I do. This is my first time. I'd never dated before" Saeron chuckled softly. "Same here. I'd never dated before" Suho rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand while his left hand is on the stering. Control it.


"Hey Suho-yah. Your phone is buzzing. Why did you silent it afterall" Saeron chuckled again thinking it's funny how Suho really want this first date to be the most unforgettable sweet memories until he kinda silenting his phone. "Well, I don't want people disturbing us. That's all" Suho parked his car at the side of the road to pick up the phone call.

"Ohh, it's Xiumin hyung" Suho looked at Saeron before he finally pick it up.

"Oh Umin hyung, waeyo?" He sounds cheerfully answering the phone call.

"She's what?!"


"Where is she?" Suho entered the house with a serious face and a worried looking face of Saeron behind him. "She's- -" "I'm here oppa" Jb walked to her brother slowly. Step by step.

"Why did you beat her up?" Suho asked her with a really serious emotion and the air surrounds them seems so tensed. "I didn't- -" "don't lie to me! I've called your principal and he told me you did! Why did you do that?!" Finally the anger that have been held were burst out completely that utterly make Jb shocked at how her brother reacts toward this.

"Let me explain first oppa" Jb tried so hard to not cry and pretend to be all strong but the heck is she's disappointed at how her brother react. Why can't her brother react like the others? To trust her.

"What is there to explain Kim Junbyul?! What?! You have none! Who taught you to be like this? Who raised you to be like this?" And finally Suho has relaxed his voice a little bit but that only make Jb's heart clunched and break like a fragile glasses.

"Hyung/Suho" everyone gasped at how his words hurt like hell.

"You're asking me who taught me? You're asking me who raised me? Do you know what are you talking about? You don't trust me! Why is it so hard for you to trust me huh?! My own brother does not trust me! You think I'm lying? What the fuck! Yeah, that's true, I've been raised by an old woman that love me with all of her and she taught me to defense myself from any harm and that was what I've been doing! Don't you ever put the fault on my grandmother while it is all your parents fault!"


Everyone's gasped.

"Suho-yah/Hyung!" They all were shocked by Suho's out of a sudden moves. He slapped his own sister.

"I hope you know that what did you just do didn't hurt me even a little but your words true does" Jb held her red mark cheeks and ran to her room locking it leaving all of the others shocked at what had happened just now.

Baekhyun was about to go to Jb's room to confort her but was stopped by Suho. "Do not. Just let her be. She deserve it after all"

"What the fuck hyung?! She does not deserve that!" Chanyeol shouted making the latter stuttled at the sudden outburst.

"You didn't hear her out. You just make a consumption" Kai glared at his hyung. "And that is unfair hyung" Sehun muttered.

"What's wrong with you guys?! She did wrong! She's bullying other people!" Suho tried to give a point.

"She does not bullied that girl! And she does not deserve that kind of treatment from you- -" Lay's words been cut by Suho.

"She deserves that and I can do that because I am her brother. You guys aren't" Suho shouted.

"How could you hyung" Tao gasped.

"We are her brothers! We take care of her like our family. What's have gotten into you?!" Xiumin trying to march on him but was stopped by Kris. "Just let him be. Maybe we love Junbyul more than he does. That is why we trust her. Let's head to our room guys. He just wasting our time" Kris said to the others clearly ignoring Suho who was still enraged.

"Maybe Kris is true. They love her more than you do" Saeron whispered from behind him. "You too?" Suho asked as if he disbelieves. "I know her well Kim Junmyeon! And I do trust her! She won't do something without a good reason! You should listen her out" Saeron walked out from the dorm leaving Suho alone in the living room.

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