chapter 38

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Okay,  I just wanna say that unfortunately,  this chapter will be the last one for "Suho's Little Sister". Thank you guys for supporting me from the first chapter until now.

*Suho's pov*

So today is the day. I'm going to marry a girl. Not just a girl. The love of my life!

I look myself on the mirror. I looked handsome which mean I always do,  but I am more handsome today as I'm wearing special tuxedo for my wedding. And absolutely,  I'm more handsome today than me in any other days.

"Done admiring yourself?" Kris hyung entered my room.  It's not my room particularly, it's more like a room for the groom to be ready for their wedding. (A/N: I hope you understand what I mean😅)

I didn't realize when did he even entered this room. "I was just looking around while waiting for the others admiring your future wife and I think it's a good idea to meet you before you'll be someone's husband" as if Kris hyung know what I want to ask,  he answered easily.

"Is she pretty? " I turn 360° towards him. "So pretty and you are one of luckiest person to get her as your wife. I envy you brother" Kris walked to me and pat my right shoulder lightly.

"One day you'll meet the love of your life too" I sighed deeply. "Nervous? " he asked smirking.

"Of course I do. It's my wedding day! I'm hella nervous. I don't think I could hold it any longer. I might pee in my pants because of this stupid nervous feelings! " I frustratedly gritted my teeth.  I usually did that whenever I feel nervous or anxious.

"I know how that feels. You're not the only one though.  Saeron also freaking out in the bride's room.  Luckily,  there's Tao and Luhan hyung who can calm her down." he chuckled lightly.

"Hey, it's normal to feel that way on your wedding day!  But come on! You're not a scaredy cat!  You can do this! " he encourage me. I sighed again.

Come on!  I know I can do this. I'm a man!  A grown up one!

I looked over to Kris hyung. "Hyung,  can you please call Junbyul for me. I want to meet her before I'm someone's husband? " I asked carefully.

Seeing my little sister surely can make me atleast a little bit at east. "Sure,  why not. I'll call out for her" Kris hyung walked out from my room and going to call for my little sister.

Two minutes later,  someone knock my door. "Come in baby ah"a smile creped onto my face. "How did you know that's me oppa? It could be Sehun or Kai or someone else" hearing her giggling surely makes my heart calm a little from the stupid anxious.

"They will never knock the door Kim Junbyul" I turn to look at her. She looks so beautiful in her bridesmaid's outfit.

"You look beautiful sister" I give her a bear hug. "You look so handsome too Kim Junmyeon" she snuggles into my warm chest. I heard sniffles.

"H-hey,  are you crying? " I pushed her body a little. "I still couldn't believe it that you're getting married today" she look into my eyes.

My heart felt heavy looking at her tears rolling down. "Are you not happy with this marriage? If so,  we should just called off this marriage" I prefer to make my baby sister more happy than I am.

"No!  It's not like that at all.  I don't want you to call off this marriage.  It's just after this you're going to be someone's husband and I'm happy for you oppa.  Too happy.  It's just" she paused. She looked down to her feet.

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