chapter three

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*Suho's pov*

I sighed after Junbyul or what she want us to call her as Jb left the room. "It's okay hyung. I can bear with it. It's reasonable if she's react like that. I deserves this" I smile weakly. "I'll go talk to her that you are innocent" Chanyeol said.

"Anni. It's okay Chanyeol-ah. As the time pass, she'll be okay. I know that. She just need time. I'll go to her" I gave them another smile before heading out of my room that now is her room.

I spotted her sitting on the kitchen stool. "Dongsaeng-ah" I called upon her slowly.

*JB's pov*

"Do you need anything?" He asked as soon as he got near me. "I don't need anything from you." I stated out coldly. "If you need anything, you can just call me arasseo?" He poured a drink into a cup and push it to me. "Neo wae geurae?(what's wrong with you?)"

"As I said before. You can just call me whenever you need me. I am your brother afterall" he smile smoothly to me before he went into a room. I don't know what is that room though.

"Silly" I rolls my eyes. "Boo!" The water that I just drank spatted out to a human face. It's Chanyeol. "Yah! What are you doing?!" I scolded him. "I just wanna give you some accompany. That's all jagiya" he grins cheekily.

"Am not your jagiya" I look into his eyes. "Think of it as a nickname from me to you" he giddily smile. "Tch. Whatever" I stood up and walked to the sink to wash the cup I had been used.

"Let me wash it. You go sit down with the rest. I'm going to cook too" the wide-eyes-boy came up from my back and grabbed the cup from my hand before I even react to him. I nodded. He can cook? Seriously? Daebak.

I walked out from the kitchen and walked to the main room where the first place I stepped in earlier. I am not kidding, but this dorm really as huge as a mansion. Being repeated I am not kidding.

Soon, I spotted the boys playing around. "JB-ah, sit here ppali!" Who I believe is Luhan called me out. I didn't hesitate and took a seat beside him.

Junmyeon oppa isn't here though. "What do you guys want to do?" I asked. "How about we play Kawibawibok?" Suggested Kai. "So that who lose will clean up all the rooms!" Said Baekhyun sticking his tongue out. "Yeah!" All of them shouted. I just chuckled looking at how adorable they are. I don't know idols can be like this.

In the end, Tao lose it. "Looks like I'm going to clean this dorm by myself then. What a luck" he grunted. "Huang Zi Tao will clean the dorm! Woohoo!" The other members squelling happily. I just shooked my head looking at them.

"I'll just get into my room guys" I told them and they just bid their goodbye to me. As soon as I got in the room, I plopped into the bed. "It's Junmyeon oppa's room" I scanned the whole room. I stiod up and look over his study table. There's a picture of me and halmeonni.

How did he get this? There's only one picture up here. No picture of him or even mom and dad. I take a look on the picture. Tears breaming threatening to fall down. I miss her. I miss all of her touch, smile, voice, cooking and everything.

"Why are you crying?" Someone make me shocked. I quickly wiped my tears as I do know who's voice it is. "You can knock. Did your mom never teach you on how to knock?" I didn't even look at him.

I heard him sighing. "Dongsaeng-ah, it's time to eat" he spoke. I walked pass him but he managed to grab my wrist and turn me to him. "I'll accept whatever you're gonna say. Hurt me even if you want but please remember, I will always love you no matter what since we were kids until now and forever. You are one and only sister I have" he look into my eyes. He looks sincere but I don't want to believe.

I just can't.

As soon as he let me go, I immediately walked to the kitchen. D.O is preparing everything. "Can I help?" I asked him. "Oh Jb! Of course you! Come on, help me with the table" he smile beautifully. I guess, living here with the boys aren't hurting like how I thought before. It just I still can't accept Junmyeon oppa.

He has been living in the world where I should be into but nah, he steal all of it leaving me staying with halmeonni alone.

He promised me he wants to take a good care of me no matter what when we were still kids but he broke his own promise. I don't want to believe it anymore. No more.

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