chapter 28

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*Junbyul's pov*

I stirred a little bit before I finally opened my eyes and adjusting to the bright light of the nature. I spun my head to my cute little blueish alarm that stood frozen at the bedside table.

"8.00 a.m. the morning" I groaned. "Early" I bumped my face onto my soft pillow. Breath in my own scent on the pillow for a few more minutes before I snatch the strength to fully get away from my bed.

Then, I walked to the bathroom freshened up a little bit before starting my day.

I walked out from the bathroom and quickly sneaked in my room not wanting to bump into the boys if either one of them had wakened up since in this house there's only one bathroom and I'm only wrap a piece of towel around my body. Not going to be their eyes snack though.

I picked random oversized t-shirt and a short short. All in black.

Just my style. I styled my hair into a messy bun because I really am so lazy this morning.

*knock knock*

"Come in" I shouted to whoever that knocked on my door. "Want to get some breakfast?" Sehun walked in wearing a blue black skinny ripped jeans and a slim fit white shirt that literally can seen-through. Wow.

His abs.


"Ahhh s-sure" please remind me again.

Why am I stuttering again???

"You're finish?" He asked scanning me up till down my toes. "Yeah" I replied simply because do not wanting to stutter infront of him again. It's a bit embarrassing okay?!

Breath in breath out Jb.

He started to drag me out from my room, passing the boys room, the kitchen, and finally my living room and he opened the front door.

Wait, what did he mean by 'let's get breakfast' ?

"Aren't we going to just eat here? At home?" I asked. "Nope. I want to bring you out." He shrugged. "So where are Kai and Baek oppa?" I asked again.

"Pretty, you ask so many questions" he smoothly said. My cheeks turn red by hearing his nickname for me. "Kai and Baekhyun hyung went out with Hanbin to somewhere else. That's mean there will only be the two of us" he spoke. I blushed in crimson red at his new nickname for me and the thoughts it's just the two of us in this house. Alone.

What the heck am I thinking?! Shit! Since when I think dirty! You dirty ashes thoughts get out from my mind!

"Let's not waste our time" he dragged me out of the house. "Wait. You have a car?" I looked at this weirdo. Stood infront of us is a black SUV. "Yeah I do. You didn't know?" He asked me back plastering a weird look on his face.

"I don't know you have a car. Did you guys came here with your car?" Okay. I'm clueless. "Oh god. Then do you think the three of us will be using our manager's car or something like that? Of course we rode my car" he rolled his eyes.

"I'm hungry. Ppali" he assured me to get inside the car as he went to the other side of the car and started to drive off.

"Where to?" I asked.

"What you fond to eat?" He looked at me slightly before he focused on the road. "Maybe a pancakes would do" I paid attention on his features.

Why do I feel like he is more way sexier and way more handsome today?

Or it's not just me who feel it?


"Sehun ah" I called out his name. He just look at me with those unreadable eyes. "What's with all of these?" I asked. I am no stupid.

Breakfast out just the two of us, took me out watching the birds flying care free on the wise ground, playing games at the amusement park, picnic at the evening, rent couple bikes and rode them around the park. That leads to something.

He looks nervous as hell if I can put it like that.

"Uhm" he cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Just tell me. I am not going to be mad at you" I assured him.

"If I tell you this, would you still act like this towards me? Would you act like there's nothing happened? Would you accept it?" He questioned. He really looks hopefull. He sighed heavily.

"Just tell me first" I insist on getting some answers. He makes my feelings felt miserable!

"I think I'm in love"

"With you"

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