chapter 16

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*Suho's pov*

"She's still isn't home yet?" Lay asked. "Not yet. She'll call when she need a ride" I closely look at the window peeking. Who knows, maybe she went home by herself?

I felt a little bit tired standing closely to the window. I plopped myself on the couch and let out a tired sigh. "You're too tired to even drive a car. If she needs a ride home, I'll replace you" Lay spoke. "Thanks bud" I pinched the bridge of my nose. I am little bit tired these past few days because of my busy schedule.

"Hyung, you can go to sleep. Me and the others will wait for our baby sister" Chen spoke. "Gwenchana, I'll wait" I insist. "Andwae. You go to sleep hyung. We'll wait" Sehun more insist than I am. "Ara" I sighed. I stood up. "I'll leave my phone here so that if she call me, just answer. Maybe she needs a ride" I told the boys before I stepped in the room and finally get to have a rest.

*Sehun's pov*

Just where is the hell is this girl? "Gosh, it's 11 pm already" Luhan hyung sighed. He really is worried about Junbyul noona. Gosh, it felt not right to call her noona. With this uncertain feelings that I had for her, it just don't feel right to call her noona. She's just 3 months older anyway.

*Saeron's pov*

"We should go back now. I'll drop you off at your place" I patted her head. She might hate people patting her head but she totally love it when I do that. Don't ask why.

"Dae eonni. Kkaja" she held my wrist. We both walked to the station bus. Lucky for us, there's a bus stop a few minutes after we waited. She gave the driver bus her address and we got our seats and sat happily while chatting a little bit more.

"Omo! It's raining" I looked out of the window. "Oh, ottoke?" Junbyul mumbled. Soon, the bus stopped at our place. "We need to run eonni because our dorm is just a few blocks away from here" she spoke out.

"Let's just run. It's just rain nothing more" I flashed her a grin. A sweet grin that love to give. "Let's run eonni! It will be fun!" She's dragging me by pulling my wrist as she run in the middle of the rain. I can just chuckle upon seeing her. I ran with her and the both of us giggling out alot.

"We're arrived!" She shout as the rain were really loud. She rang the doorbell twice before a boy who seems in my age opened the door. "Junbyul-ah! You're soaking wet! Come in!" He seems surprised to see Junbyul came home in this kind of state.

"Aigooo! Look at you sissy!" Another boy ran to her and wiped out her head with a towel fully doesn't realising that there's another person with Junbyul. And that is ME. "Omo! Who is this jagiya?" Another boy asked Junbyul as he spot me. W-wait?! What?! Jagiya?!

"Jagiya?" I look at Junbyul for an explanation. "Ahhh oppa deul, this is my eonni. Her name is Kim Saeron eonni" she introducing me to somewhat a bunch of hot goodlooking boys. What the heck Kim Junbyul? You're staying in a dorm full of hot goodlooking boys?

"Oh, so she is that Saeron girl who make Suho hyung buy her a new phone?" Another boy asked. Okay, this is annoying. "Uhm, Junbyul-ah. I think I might go now. I'll see you later oe" I spoke before taking step to walk away but been stopped buy a guy.

"It's raining hard outside. You should stay here for awhile until the rain finally stop" that guy held my wrist. He had a serious face on. And not to mention, his korean accent aren't that fluent too.

"Dae, in fact, you should stay for tonight. I don't think the rain will stop in a blink of an eye" this time, a guy with a round big eyes said smiling warmly to me. "Ah, is that okay with you guys? I don't want to be a burden" I shyly said.

"You can sleep with me eonni. D.O oppa is true though. The rain wouldn't stop in a blink of an eye" Junbyul convincing me. "We insist" a tall guy with a cute dimples passed me a towel to wipe out myself. "Thanks" I thanked the all of them.

*Suho's pov*

I yawned and blinked my eyes twice. I sat up on my bed. I looked at the time. It's already 7 am. I walked to the bathroom and settled up my business before I finally walked to the kitchen only to hear D.O's voice and another unfamilliar voice. Who is that could it be?

"Oh hyung! You're woke up already!" D.O greet me warmly. "Good morning Kyungsoo-ah" I greet him back. "Saeron-ssi" it's kinda shock to me to see her here in the early of the morning!

"Ah, Suho-ssi. Good morning" she bowed slightly. "Omo! Noona, why are you bowing? Don't be to formal aigoo" Chen came from his room. ""He is right. Just call me Suho or Junmyeon" I smile warmly.

"Ahh, I think I should go now since I've been a borther to you guys- -" "anniyo, you should stay a little bit noona yah. I heard that today isn't your workday so why not hanging a little bit of your time with us" Chen cooing her. Wait, I'm confused. What's with the friendly treatment over here?

"Ahhh, is that okay Suho-ssi?" She look at me hesitantly. Why not right? "Just Suho and yeah, you should spend more time here. I believe my little sister would like your accompany here since there is another girl in this dorm" I approved. "Mianhae that I've been a borther and slept at your dorm last night" she bowed apologetic manner.

So, that's answering my question. She slept here. That's fine to me. As long as Junbyul came home safely. "You are not a borther to me or any of us. You are welcome to come here again as Junbyul really adore you so much" I spoke again. "Ahh, I'll just go to check on my sister. Boys, treat our guest well. Don't create trouble" I warned Chen and D.O as there are only the two of them.

*Saeron's pov*

"You are not a borther to me or any of us. You are welcome to come here as Junbyul really adore you so much" Suho spoke up. "Ahh, I'll just go to check on my sister. Boys, treat our guest well. Don't create trouble " he warned the both Chen and D.O who are the only members in the kitchen.

"He really love that girl" I heard D.O mumbled more to himself. "Who?" I asked him. He wore a shock expression. "Ahh, I mean Suho hyung really love Junbyul so much" he smile adoringly. "Ever since Junbyul came into our life, he put Junbyul in his first list of important people. I never met a wonderful brother like him in my life" Chen handing me a glass of water.

"I can see that. Junbyul is a lucky girl indeed" I smile to the both of them.

"Indeed she is" both of D.O and Chen said. Then, the three of us start to prepare the breakfast for the all of us.

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