chapter 18

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*Suho's pov*

"Suho-ah" Xiumin hyung called me out as he saw me dozzed off to another world. "Oe ?" I look at him. We practically in the van where the other members falling asleep tired because we just got wrapped up from the dance practise leaving only me and Xiumin hyung who were still awake.

"Are you okay? You seems like a lost puppy these few days you know" he spoke up. "Lost puppy?" I nearly laugh hearing what he said.

"Yeah, lost puppy. Like you always dozing off to somewhere else. Are you having some kind of problem? You have me you know. You can just tell. Who knows I can help you" he look straight into my eyes. "I don't have problems hyung. It just that" I paused. "My mind is wondering" and I look at him. "About someone" I uttered that words slowly. "You're thinking about someone" Umin hyung nodded while doing his duck-mouth.

I just nodded. "I know who are you thinking of" a smirk played on his face. "It's Kim Saeron girl" he grinned uncountably.

"It's not her" I lied. "It's her. I know it because you love to force us to go to her working place saying that the food are amazing but you actually want to meet her. You can't lie Junmyeon-ah" he really can read me.

I didn't reply anything to him because I know it's true.

What are you to me Kim Saeron?


*JB's pov*

Lucky, today is weekend. But the boys aren't at home. They're working. They might be back home very late I guess. I still can't believe it that I had to face both Sarang and Yeori ever again. Actually what did they want from me?

These things always playing in my right mind nor my crazy mind. Both of them driving me crazy. And Sehun too. He seems treat me differently from before. He seems....more protective. Ahhhhhhh!

"I am really going to be crazy" I groaned.


My phone buzzing. It's mean someone just gave me texts. I look at it. Automatically, my eyes rolled and I'm totally regret about seeing the text. It's from Yeori.

Pardon me? How I know her number? That's easy because I saved her phone number from before when we were still at Jeju! And she didn't even changed her number! And she tried to tell me otherwise saying she's no longer using this number!

What a freak.

Better to not falling into her stupid big dummy lies. It's bullshit. "This is boring" I said practically to myself. "Saeron eonni's workplace would be good" I grabbed my phone back and started to text her.


"Hey yo kiddo. What do you want to eat?" As soon as I plopped my butt at the seat, Saeron eonni approached me. "Anything would be good eonni" I said that because there's apparently nothing on my mind on what I want to eat right now. "There's a dish that I surely believe you will like it. Scratch that, totally LOVE IT" she ran to the kitchen but a little moment later she came back to me.

"I've got no other work left so this is my free time. What brings you here actually?" She eyed me closely. "No apparent reason. Just having free time at your workplace" I answered her. "Like brother like sister" she shooked her head lightly.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Okay, what is she talking about? "Your brother came here often saying that same damn reason as yours" she chuckled. A faint blushed can be seen. "Ayee, you like him don't you?" I asked knowingly how my brother would feel about this. Come on, he's my brother. We come from the same bloodline. I can sense it. He likes her. She likes him.

Both of them like each other. That's not surprising. To me at least.

"Heh. I don't" she's trying to deny it. "Come on sister. You don't lie to me" I smirked. "Maybe a little but I don't know" she's blushing really hard. "You said maybe a little but your face saying otherwise" I laughed my butt off.

"Okay, fine! I like him truly but what can I do? He'll never accept my confession anyway. Look at him! He's an idol for god sake and what am I? Only a worker of another restaurant that he likes to eat at" she rolled her eyes. I chuckled upon hearing her mumbles. "Are you really my Kim Saeron eonni? What had happened to you when I'm not with you? Why are you being like this?" I laughed at her face again.

"Ha ha ha ha. That's funny you midget" she's glaring at me. "Don't think that I will never know your heart. I can read you like a piece of paper you know" a beautiful yet evil smirk plastered on her face. "What do you mean?"

"You like that little maknae Oh Sehun aren't you?" She wiggling her eyebrows. "Are you kidding me? Me? Like him? Are you serious?" My eyes widened. No, seriously I don't think I would like him in that way. Maybe yes, I like him. But it's just a feelings like a normal friends or brother sister. I guess? Yeah! That is it!

"Come on Kim Junbyul. Maybe you won't realise it yet but sooner or later, you'll know" she smile knowingly. "I can read his heart too" she said. "Seriously?! So do he like someone?" I asked unpatiently.

"Look at that behaviour. You're so eager aren't you" she's teasing.

She's freaking teasing me! This eonni.

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