chapter 30

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                           *Jb's pov*

"Yah" I glared at the man beside me. Does he deserve me calling him as a man? I thought maybe a BOY suits him more though. "Yes my darling" he batted his eyelashes.

"Sehun ah" my tones sending him a little warning. "Aishhh, you're no fun at all. I'm just kidding" he groaned. "Kkaja, let's go home before the hyungs worrying" he suddenly held my wrist gently and we both walking down the street silently. Silent that doesn't make you feel awkward but instead make you feel calm and relax. That's kind of silent that we both currently in.

For the past few days, I found myself more clingy and more comfortable with the maknae. There's something that I noticed. I got jealous easily, I got angry easily, I got frustrated easily when there's a girl near him besides from me.

I'll be very anxious, worry and sad whenever he's away from me.

What had happened to me? Gosh. I really need to do something about this. Is this related to the 'I love you' thing that he said to me every time we both staring at each other eyes more than a minute?

If this is the effect from the 'I love you' thing that he said every time, then screw me. I'm done with the shit. He's driving me crazy!

"Junbyul ah!" My heart is going to explode every time he shouts like that to me. "Yah! You're going to make me deaf you bastard! Can you just not shout?" I said feeling irritated.

"I called you thousand times already. You didn't hear me eh?" He raised one of his eyebrows. "Wae? Why are you calling me? We are no near the house yet" I spoke realising that we both are still so far from the house.

"I just want to say you look extra cute today. That's all" He just look at me through his profile side which is so hard to not make me blush flush in red. That one shot of his looks can make my heart stop from pumping air and blood.

"Can you stop that?" I said face flushed in red. "Stop what?" he said hiding that smug look behind his amusing face. I glared.

"I can't help it" he throw me a  small smile before finally look to the front.

I was about to ask why did he smile so sudden but then his phone ringing.
"Oh, it's Kai hyung he said before he pick up the call.

Eh, why did Kai suddenly call? " Nae hyung" Sehun greeted his hyung. "What?!" Sehun's smile faded away and his eyes drew to me. His facial showed a guilty expression, a pity, and sad.

What's wrong?

"I-I'll go b-back now with her. As fast as I-I can" he stuttered a little before he finally ended the phone call. He shut his eyes for a moment before sighing heavily. "Wae?" I asked concernly.

There's no time to be rude with him. He looks like he need a soft talk. "Jb ah" he called my name with such a heavy voice. Heavy tone. Looks like he felt so wrong to tell me about something. "Wae?" I impatiently asked again.

"Suho hyung, your brother. He's got into an accident" the moment he told me that, my mind went blank. My face showed no emotions but then my feets trembling and I collapsed on the floor sitting on the cold floor. Nothing to say. Both of us didn't utter any word.

Maybe Sehun was giving me time to process everything. Just for a few minutes. "Kai hyung said that Suho hyung is in a critical stage. He's in the ICU right now. Kris hyung and Xiumin want us both to be home right now. To Seoul right away" Sehun spoke right away.

Without me noticing, tears ran down from my eyes like waterfall. My brother, my one and only brother is now fighting for his life. I don't want to lose him like the past. I don't want to lose him again for the second time.

I need to be there with him.

"Then let's go" I said voice trembling. Sehun gave me a sad look. "Let me help you up" he pick me up from the ground easily as I can't walk. My feet was like a jelly. I can't even stand up. Sehun pick me up and then he ran to halmeoni house.

He sat me on the bench that already there in halmeoni's small garden in front of the house while he got in the house to grab his car keys. Once he's already got it, he led me to his car. As we both got in the car, he drove fast to Seoul.

#fast forward#

"Junbyul" As soon as we both arrived home, we were greeted by the boys excepted for Kris oppa and D.O oppa. "Luhan oppa" I ran into Luhan's embrace. It felt forever since I last saw them.

"Hey my baby girl, it's been such a long time since I hug you like this right?" I can hear his voice trembling. "Junbyul/baby/aegi/sweetie" the rest calling me by the nickname they've given me slowly.

"I'm so sorry for not going home in such a long time. Mianhae" I sob onto Luhan's shirt. "It's okay. It's not your fault you're running away from home" Lay pull me from Luhan to his embrace. It felt so nice to be home to this boys. But it is more nice to be home to my own brother greet me on the front door and give me a hug of a longing for love.

I was sobbing harder. One by one of the boys cooing me. As soon as I stopped sobbing, I lay my head on the last person that cooed me. It's Sehun nonetheless.

"Can I go meet oppa?" I asked randomly. "We don't know sweetie, perhaps we should wait for Kris and D.O to come back first" Xiumin gave me a sad look.

I looked down. Tears started breaking on the edge of my eyes. "Hey, don't cry" Lay said caressing my hair softly as I was in Baekhyun embrace.

"You'll get to see him no matter what. We'll promise you that" Luhan said next. "Junbyul ah, don't cry oe" Chanyeol kneeled in front of me. He even cupping my face and wiped off the tears away.

I gave a small yet sincere smile to them as a sign of appreciation for the comfort they gave me. Enough to make them less worried about me. What did I do to have such precious brothers like them?

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