chapter 20

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*JB's pov*

"You what?!" My eyes widened and everyone could tell that my eyes full with shockness overload. "Are you mad?" Saeron eonni asked me carefully. Maybe she's afraid that I'll disagreed on it. "Am not. Just shocked! You? My brother?" Soon, a victory smile spread onto my face.

"Why are you smiling like that?" She eyeing me confusingly. "I made a bet with Park Chanyeol that you and my brother will be finally dating like in the korean dramas and I won the bet!" I cheered up by putting my fist up. "So you guys put me and Kim Junmyeon together in a bet?" She's narrowing her eyes.

"Hehe" I laughed quietly. "But I'm happy not just because I won the bet though, I'm happy because you and my brother dating together is my dream that I wish to come true" I put on a proud smile on my face. "Awe, so sweet of you" she devilishly pinch my cheeks.

"Yah yah! That's hurt" I pulled away her hands that pinching my cheeks. "Hey that's hurt. You pinch it too hard" I glared.

"So?" She make a 'not my problem' face to me. I glared. "Okay, okay I'm sorry" she automatically apologised. My glares always be the best part of me.

"So, do you really like my brother?" I asked wanting to confirm. "Of course I do. I won't accept him as my boyfriend if I do not like him. You know me better" she gazing on her newly ring that was given by Suho oppa.

"I just want to listen from your mouth. Just that" I smile softly. "And I hope that you can take a good care of his heart. He is my brother that you are currently dating with" I stood up because I need to go home or else Suho oppa will be nagging like a mom.

"I will JB-ah. I love him too remember?" She smile giddily. "Whoa, from when did 'like' turn to 'love'? So fast!" I joked but Saeron eonni digging glares on me. "Okay okay I'm just kidding! Got to go eonni!" I smile naughtily and just run off from her workplace.


"Baby?" Someone knocked on my door. "Come in oppa" I am too lazy to even walk to the door and open up for him. There's only one person who called me baby and he is my brother. Being REPEAT, MY BROTHER.

"It's weekend. Don't you want to at least get out from your room and have fun with the others?" I can feel the bed's dipped as he sat on my bed. "I don't feel like I want to. I feel like I want to lay down here for the rest of the day. I am so lazy today" I groggily answered him. I heard him chuckled too.

"My baby sister is so lazy huh? Come on, get up. Eat your breakfast first and then you can lay down for the rest of the day" he patted my back that were facing him. "Can I just skip it?" I stared at his face. "You can't. Because Kyungsoo will get mad if any of us skip the food that he made so now you should get up and eat your breakfast" he pulled me up while listening to my whining. Such a girl.

Of course I'm a girl! I am Suho's Exo baby sister!

As soon as I got out from my respective room, I soon be greeted by the boys fighting over food except for Sehun, Kris and Lay who were falling asleep on the kitchen table. "Aish these kids" I heard Suho oppa mumbled.

"Are you sick?" Sehun quickly approaching me as soon as he saw me. And quickly my cheeks burning like hell as soon as he touch my forehead and my cheeks to check on me. Why Junbyul why?!!!!!

"I'm alright maknae yah" I pulled his wrist away and he frowned. "Don't call me maknae" he shooked his head. "You are the maknae" I smirked. "Yes I am but with you calling me maknae doesn't sound that great" he pouted. "You should call me noona" I inched away from him.

"Alright" he paused "noona" he smirked eyeing me.

"D.O oppa, what did you cook?" I ignored Sehun and walking straight to the kitchen where everyone else were enjoying their meals. "I make omelette and some pancakes with extra blueberries for you. Here, eat this" sounds like he keep them for me though.

"You make them? For our sister? But you only cook bacon and annoying tasteless bread for us? How could you Kyungsoo-yah" Baekhyun oppa whining. "I cook, so it's my rule" D.O oppa stated simply. I just chuckled looking at their behaviour.

"So, do you want to go anywhere? Feel free to ask me since I'm free too" Chanyeol oppa spoke. "I don't feel like I want to go anywhere so thanks for the inviting" I ate the delicious meal that D.O oppa had made. Everyone else laughing at Chanyeol oppa's pouting.

"So what do you actually want to do today?" Kris oppa had already finished his meal. "Lay down on my bed all day. That's my plan for today" I replied him with bored expression on my face. "You are so boring girl" Tao oppa gave me a weird expression.

"I'm done! And I'll start my plan right away!" I excitedly tossed my plate onto the sink and washed it plus quickly ran to my room after that. I plopped down onto my matress.

"This is so enjoyable" I sighed feeling so good. "Can we join?" I heard many footsteps coming in my room.

"Oh god my little privacy is gone" I groaned. "Awe please, let us join you. We were all bored. Let's do something while laying on your bed don't we?" Tao oppa excitedly looking at me with Kai, Sehun, Baekhyun and Chanyeol oppa at his back.


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