second thought

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you don't take your eyes off me.

it takes me courage to say

the next words.

"do you know how much i've missed you?"

my voice breaks

and i can barely speak.

you take a couple steps closer.

"areum, i do."

"then why would you leave me?"

i can't look at you anymore.

seeing your face

adds to the pain.

"everything was a lie,"

i whisper.

"you were a lie.

our love was a lie."

"don't say that," you argue.

but you've already hurt me.

"i left because i found my mom.

you remember my little brother?

i was taking care of him by myself."

your feet scuffles on the sidewalk.

you sigh loudly.

"i met my mom.

i left seoul for daegu."

i didn't believe you.

"you couldn't bother

to tell me about any of this?"

you look down,

your lips formed sadly.

"i'm sorry."

there was more behind

the story.

why didn't you tell me?

questions started forming

in my head slowly.

"thanks for visiting me,"

i say,

without emotion.

i want to love you again.

but how can i do it,

when you've hurt me so much?


rip where is this going

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